Shop Catalog or Keep ANY Furniture Item, 280+ Sets, 1:1 NMT, All K.K. Songs, TONS of Materials, IGB, Rare Items (Redd/Gulliver) [TBT Store, LOW PRICES!]

  1. TBT Bells
huh, somehow still on the first page after two hours. weird times

will be on for another two hours at the very least. still going to be busy with work though, so ill be checking back here only occasionally between now and when i sleep
heyo, can I catalogue the climbing walls and the white Rattan set?
heyo, can I catalogue the climbing walls and the white Rattan set?
Sure, that will be 60 TBT. I'll get everything setup right now and have a dodo code out to you shortly, if that works with you. :)
you are my fire
the one desire
believe when i say
i want it that way
tell me why
I know it’s not orderable, but any chance you have a cloud flooring you’re willing to sell?
I know it’s not orderable, but any chance you have a cloud flooring you’re willing to sell?
I don’t carry Saharah items, unfortunately. Best of luck with finding it though.


Heading off to bed shortly. Feel free to message me if you want to order anything between now and tomorrow afternoon (which is likely the earliest I’ll check this thread after tonight).
Hey!! I'm not at home right now, but would like to place an order, seeing as you are going to bed soon anyway :D

I'd like to get 50 NMT. Is that 50 TBT? Once I hear back, I'll send you the TBT :)
Might be slightly delayed in replying until i get home!!

Many thanks :)
Hey!! I'm not at home right now, but would like to place an order, seeing as you are going to bed soon anyway :D

I'd like to get 50 NMT. Is that 50 TBT? Once I hear back, I'll send you the TBT :)
Might be slightly delayed in replying until i get home!!

Many thanks :)
Yes, it would be 50 TBT. Just message me whenever you're free to trade, I'll be on and off for the rest of today.
Hello, assuming you have yet to see this, I am going to cancel my order for now. Thank you much!
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Can I buy the red, blue, and pink candy machines for 30 tbt?
Yes! I'm currently handling a trade but I can get everything set up for you right after that trade. Is my town okay with you?
one trade completed! ill be one for at least the next four hours, but i'll only be checking back occasionally. sorry in advance if i don't produce an immediate response
bump! should be on for at least the next two hours but most likely i'll be on for a bit longer than that. yesterday i was bumping this thread pretty late, probably won't do that today (at this point though, who knows what'll happen [shrug emoji])
i'm going to go to bed in about twenty minutes, i'll be checking this thread right before i go to bed and then the next time i'll check after that should be sometime tomorrow (late morning / early afternoon, depending on when I actually wake up).

like the first post / shoot me a PM if you see this when the bump is old, i try to check this thread whenever i log on for the day out of habit but i'm not always as good about it as i want to be oops