Shop Catalog or Keep ANY Furniture Item, 280+ Sets, 1:1 NMT, All K.K. Songs, TONS of Materials, IGB, Rare Items (Redd/Gulliver) [TBT Store, LOW PRICES!]

  1. TBT Bells
Hi, I'll give you 100 TBT for 1m IGB if that's still available!
Bump -- This will likely be the last bump for the night. I might be hanging around online for a bit longer, but I may not respond immediately. I might bump one more time before I sleep, but this probably won't happen.
I'd like to do a trade of 200 TBT for 2.4m Bells?
And 30 TBT for 2 NMT?

So I'd be giving you 230 TBT for Bells and NMT?
Hope I'm doing this right. It's my first time trading with TBT ^-^;
Hi! Do I need a minimum of 100 TBT to participate? If not, I'd love to trade 70 TBT for 840k IGB :)
Trades completed with all three of the above. Thank you so much for the TBT!

I'll also be adding a small amount of DIYs to sell, probably tomorrow. If you're interested in trading for IGB / NMT, let me know and I'll get back to you as soon as I see your message, although I may not respond for several hours, as I'm heading off for the night soon.
Bump: I have added a list of DIYs for sale. I may add a list of furniture for sale, but it'll most likely be loose items.
TBT to NMT rate has been adjusted downward to reflect the downward trend in prices for NMT. Bumping this thread up to the top.
Sounds good. Feel free to reply / message me whenever you want to trade!