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Shop Catalog shop - Need to order? Agiledog can help. - Temporary closed for new orders

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The list below is folks that have posted their orders but I have not heard back from you if you accept the order pricing. I will not order until you say something simple as "Deal" "Go ahead with this order, or yes please order"

homework set 680
Blossom Lantern 2400 = 3080 + fee = 5,000 Deal or no deal?
cherry-blossom clock? 4160
= 4840 + fee = 5,000 Deal or no deal?

Spooky set that you need:
bookcase 4124
carpet 4124
chair 4124
clock 4124
dresser 4124
lamp 4124
sofa 4124
table 4124
vanity 4124
wallpaper 4124
wall lamp 4124
wardrobe 4124 = 49,488 + fee = 50,000 Deal or no deal?

DarkMyst - Order placed
Astro TV 3200
Classic carpet 2300
Exotic set that you need:
bench 1900
bureau 2400
screen 2250
wardrobe 2180
wallpaper 1420
minimalist set that you need:
Wardrobe 3000
neutral wallpaper 1200
neutral Floor 1200
Modern Wood chair 1200
Sleek set that you need:
Chair 1400
Clock 1580
Table 1600
Lovely set that you need:
Armoire 2240
Dresser 2160
Lamp 1600
Love Seat 2000 = 32,430 + fee = 35,000

Minimalist mini table 2500 + fee = 3000
Deal or no deal?
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50000 sounds good! I'm doing math hw so I hope you are on for another like 45mins to an hour because my math takes forever to finish but after that, I'll be on

- - - Post Merge - - -

50000 sounds good! I'm doing math hw so I hope you are on for another like 45mins to an hour because my math takes forever to finish but after that, I'll be on

- - - Post Merge - - -


I will place your order tonight and hope to catch you later.

- - - Post Merge - - -
The following orders are ready for delivery. I will add your FC and you need to VM me when you are online and available.
Mr. Nick369

The list below is folks that have posted their orders but I have not heard back from you if you accept the order pricing. I will not order until you say something simple as "Deal" "Go ahead with this order, or yes please order"

dessert case 3200
soda stream? Soda case maybe 1800
crane game 1680
capsule-toy machine 1480 = 8160 + fee = 10,000

homework set 680
Blossom Lantern 2400 = 3080 + fee = 5,000
cherry-blossom clock? 4160
= 4840 + fee = 5,000

Minimalist mini table 2500 + fee = 3000
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Hi there! I was wondering if you could help me out with the following items:
- Amazing Machine
- Florence Flask
- Hologram Machine
- Space console
- Space captain's seat
- Small space console
Could I order most of the Exotic set (I'm in love with the Red/Black customisation!)? I need the following items from it:
End Table
Wall Shelf

I understand that this would be quite a bit to order and so could affect other people's orders, so I've no problem with being a low priority or something.

hey, may i buy the following?
- aurora screen
- corinthian post
- lotus lamp
- moon
The list below is folks that have posted their orders but I have not heard back from you if you accept the order pricing. I will not order until you say something simple as "Deal" "Go ahead with this order, or yes please order"

Amazing Machine
- Florence Flask 1600
- Hologram Machine 3600
- Space console 3000
- Space captain's seat 3680
- Small space console 2680 = 14560 + fee = 15,000 Deal or no deal?

Exotic set that you need:
Bed 2540
Bureau 2400
End Table 1600
Lamp 1800
Screen 2250
Wall Shelf 2400
Wardrobe 2180
Wallpaper 1420
Rug 1820 = 18,410 + fee = 20,000 Deal or no deal?

- aurora screen 4080
- corinthian post 3600
- lotus lamp 1600
- moon 32,000 = 41,280 + fee = 45,000 Deal or no deal?

The following orders are ready for delivery. I will add your FC and you need to VM me when you are online and available.
AndrQmedA - delivered
Mr. Nick369
Adon - delivered
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The list below is folks that have posted their orders but I have not heard back from you if you accept the order pricing. I will not order until you say something simple as "Deal" "Go ahead with this order, or yes please order"

Exotic set that you need:
Bed 2540
Bureau 2400
End Table 1600
Lamp 1800
Screen 2250
Wall Shelf 2400
Wardrobe 2180
Wallpaper 1420
Rug 1820 = 18,410 + fee = 20,000 Deal or no deal?

That sounds great, definitely a deal =)

Although, just a little question - you've been asking people who have orders to collect to VM you...I'm a bit of a noob here, can I just ask what a VM is?
That sounds great, definitely a deal =)

Although, just a little question - you've been asking people who have orders to collect to VM you...I'm a bit of a noob here, can I just ask what a VM is?

A VM is a Visitor messge. You will discover that the pm box gets full quickly and you have to delete as you go.

Oh and your order is ready for delivery now.

Thanks for our exchange :)
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Yay! Could I have the blossom lantern with homework set please? Deal for the blossom lantern order:)
Awesome! I won't be able to pick it up anytime from tomorrow to Monday unfortunately, if this is a problem then you can cancel my order. I am available anytime today though.
Awesome! I won't be able to pick it up anytime from tomorrow to Monday unfortunately, if this is a problem then you can cancel my order. I am available anytime today though.

Thanks for our exchange.

- - - Post Merge - - -

The following orders are ready for delivery. I will add

your FC and you need to VM me when you are online and

Mr. Nick369
DarkMyst - delivered, thanks

The list below is folks that have posted their orders but

I have not heard back from you if you accept the order

pricing. I will not order until you say something simple

as "Deal" "Go ahead with this order, or yes please order"

dessert case 3200
soda stream? Soda case maybe 1800
crane game 1680
capsule-toy machine 1480 = 8160 + fee = 10,000

Minimalist mini table 2500 + fee = 3000

Amazing Machine
- Florence Flask 1600
- Hologram Machine 3600
- Space console 3000
- Space captain's seat 3680
- Small space console 2680 = 14560 + fee = 15,000

- aurora screen 4080
- corinthian post 3600
- lotus lamp 1600
- moon 32,000 = 41,280 + fee = 45,000

Will return to boards in about 7 hours.
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Thanks for the quick delivery :>
I'm placing another order if thats okay with you xD;

Harvest Set
Ranch Set (arm chair, bookcase, couch, hutch, wardrobe, wall)
bonsai set (maple, pine bonsai, ponderosa)
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Deal! <3 Please msg me in PM when ready
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The following orders are ready for delivery. I will add

your FC and you need to VM me when you are online and

Mr. Nick369
WigginsFTW - delivered, thanks

The list below is folks that have posted their orders but I have not heard back from you if you accept the order pricing. I will not order until you say something simple as "Deal" "Go ahead with this order, or yes please order"
dessert case 3200
soda stream? Soda case maybe 1800
crane game 1680
capsule-toy machine 1480 = 8160 + fee = 10,000
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