i will start your order now and VM you later when it is ready.
Sounds good, thanks!
i will start your order now and VM you later when it is ready.
Hello again, may I order the...
Harvest set (including wallpaper and flooring)
Deluxe range
Grapefruit table
Hedge standee
Lemon table
Ranch bookcase
Ranch wall
Ranch flooring
Tangerine chair
Tree-stump chair
Watermelon chair
Watermelon table
Ranch wardrobe
Harvest set
bed 3336
bureau 3336
chair 3336
clock 3336
dresser 3336
lamp 3336
mirror 3336
rug 3336
sofa 3336
table 3336
tv 3336
wallpaper 3336
wall lamp 3336 = 43,368
Deluxe range 3200
Grapefruit table 1500
Hedge standee 1200
Lemon table 1500
Ranch bookcase 2000
Ranch wall 1452
Ranch flooring 1752
Tangerine chair 1300
Tree-stump chair 4480
Watermelon chair 1300
Watermelon table 1800
Ranch wardrobe 3052
Range 1800 = 69,704 + fee = 70,000 Deal or no deal?
By any chance can you get me a megaphone? My FC is 0619-3530-4836 if you can
It's a tool Idk if it's in there, I only have the lowest nook thing whatever it's called
Deal, let me know when you're ready
By any chance can you get me a megaphone? My FC is 0619-3530-4836 if you can
Alright, thanks!!
Ok, I'll have 2 Minimalist ottoman's, a fireplace, and a snowy sweatshirt please.
Yes, sorry. Deal!!!
Order placed and receiving now. Add my FC and i will do the same for yours. Open your gate in 3 mins.
Can I buy the alpine set and modern wood set? Thanks!
Alpine set
bed 2400
chair 2000
closet 2380
dresser 2200
kitchen cart 1960
lamp 2000
low table 2000
panel 1800
rug 1400
shelf 2100
sofa 2360
wallpaper 1320
Large alpine table 2400 = 26,320 + fee = 28,00
Modern Wood set
bed 1680
chair 1200
chest 1480
clock 1400
closet 1600
flooring 1480
lamp 1680
shelf 1840
sofa 1600
stool 1480
table 1980
tv 1800
wallpaper 1480 = 20,700 + fee = 21,000
28k + 21k = 49,000 Deal or no deal? Or you can offer 50,000 if it is easier.