want: drumset(yellow), toolbox stand thing(red), spa(white/black), dj turntable(white), kitchen set(white), grand piano(white), piano(white), floor fan(black), beach lawn chair(white), laundy dryer(white), tvs and computers(all variants) and all posters.
offer: nmt, bells or come to my island and look at any items you might want or catalog.
edit; i got these;
Elaborate kimono stand (all), Exercise bike, Humidifier (white,yellow,blue,green), Street organ (yellow), Train set (spring) and Den chair(black).
the kimino stands need to be ordered.
edit2; more things i want, was a bit hard to see on my phone: fireplace(both), change booth(white), water cooler(white), tree plant thing(first one), piano keyboard(black), microphone(first one), bunk bed(black), desk(white), pet bed /w ball, green low bed thing(black), sand castle, lawn mower, imperial screen.