Giveaway Celeste Recipe Giveaway [10 WINNERS, 2 RECIPES EACH]

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I just told my friend she has really nice hair and that I’m grateful for her being in my life :)
"you're the best & warmest aries in the sky" 😂
thanks for doing this! good luck to everyone
My boyfriend @m__a__y__o_ and I were supposed to meet IRL for the very first time (April 8th), but due to the pandemic we had to postpone the trip. He's upset about it; but today in a call we were watching videos together of a guy eating some vending machine food in Japan and the food was said to be piping hot in the video. He rehashed the subtitles and I retorted with "hot like you". He squealed and honestly it was SO cute. 💖

Thank you so much for hosting this giveaway! You're too kind!
let my mom know her lasagna is amazing and I've always loved it. Thought she already knew her cooking was great but she seemed really touched anyway. glad I said something
I'd like to enter! Just recently told my mom that she had impeccable taste in food haha <3
Told my boyfriend I like his face. Thank you for this cute giveaway. I adore these DIYs.
I complimented everyone in my friend group call :) glad I have them to spend this quarantine with
I complimented and thanked my best friend for her patience and understanding today, as I was supposed to get an early start playing Valkyria Chronicles 4 with her when I discovered my turnips were so high priced and opened the island up to folks without realizing how much time running that would take. XD Talk about delays...
Told my special someone I loved him and happy birthday in advance sonce his bday is on the 16th. Haha
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