Retro Braniac
Im a Capricorn/Ox mix.... its a curse. XD
Yes, but you TT'd to get there T_Tminimang said:My town is summer....
vampiricrogue said:Some people know this little fact that whenever it is winter in the northern hemisphere, it is summer in the southern hemisphere.... and then I thought about each individual game containing different holidays... such as "Naughty And Nice Day" being an Europe-only holiday, what makes you say that each individual package, or game at that, sent worldwide wasn't set to that particular season change? Such as now, with it being summer in South America? Surely it can't be a winter scene there...
You know they make different versions of games all the time - different languages, different cultural references, etc. Creating a different version of the game for language is a lot more work than simply switching the seasons to start on different days. Why shouldn't they make it more realistic for the entire southern hemisphere?KingKombat said:Wouldn't that require a third UNECCESARY version of the game?
yay, lol. it's nice to have the very few people that are on at this time because it gets pretty quiet here on the forums. :/ i'm surprised no one else was able to answer this before me... seems crazy i'm the only person i know of that plays this and lives in the southern hemisphere, lol.KapuBen said:I'm on right now
for me it's 8:25 AM on friday
if you open your gates, then I come over
you were wrong. :/ i said:I believe reading that the developers made it so if you were in the southern hemisphere, the seasons were the opposite of the northern hemisphere.