• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

Character backstories?

Colour Bandit

Senior Member
Jan 24, 2010
Throwback Tickets
Winter Mittens
Tasty Cake
Happy Home Designer Token
Astral Inner Planet Floating Gold #10
Cherry (Fruit)
Peach (Fruit)
Popsicle (TBT Beach Party)
Ice Cream Swirl (TBT Beach Party)
August Birthstone (Peridot)
Orange (Fruit)
Are any of you guys going to make up a little backstory for your characters?
If so, what are they? Is your character linked with any of your past AC characters?

(Sorry if there is another thread like this, if there is then a mod will delete it?)

My character's backstory is that she was travelling to a new town to study the natural wildlife (for university perhaps?), but being a forgetful person she has forgotten to bring the map of the town she's going to. Luckily Rover provides her with a new map... of the wrong town! My character then, after a lot of internal debating, gets off at the stop for the wrong town and is met by a welcoming party thinking she was the new mayor. After trying to persuade her apparent assistant that she wasn't the new mayor, she gives in, deciding that if the real mayor turns up they can get this all sort- Wait is that a rare emperor butterfly?! Maybe she might play mayor for a little longer, not that the rare bugs and fish have anything to do with it...
Sounds like fun! Here's some of my ideas!

Broc's Story

Broc, having fed up with living in the middle of nowhere, decided to move to Geekslug, a coastal town known as geek paradise. But unknown to him, when he was in a restaurant, someone replaced his train ticket, and he got sent to Sunset village instead, home of the most beautiful sunsets. When he arrived, he was surprised to learn that he was the new mayor, and the town was dying. Always wanting to help out whenever he can, Broc decided to stay in Sunset.

Xylia's Story

A couple of weeks after Broc has moved in, a female by the name of Xylia moved in. She appeared normal at first, but upon unpacking and changing, it turned out she was really interested in goth stuff. And she was Bisexual. She came out to her parents, and they were accepting of it, but her friends kinda turned on her, so she was sent to Sunset to live a better life.

Harmony's Story

One day, Broc, Xylia, and the neighbors were surprised to see that a new villager has moved in by the name of Harmony. She was interested in making her own fruit orchard. She was a gentle gal with an airy personality, and a collection of tie-dyed shirts. Her house was even themed like a hippie's...

Meteo's Story

Meteo moved in much later than Broc, Xylia, and Harmony. He was interested in the weather, and wanted to study weather patterns, so he hired Broc to build some weather equipment for him. One weather machine and satellite later, he was capable of studying the weather with full force. He was also interested in inventing stuff, and had a basement filled with old-timey stuff.

So, what do you guys think? Sorry for the long post.
All I have is my male character (Jake) and my female character (Vella) - Vella is jakes cousin. that is al I have (my cousins name isn't even Vella but it's just a name i've always liked as a girls name)
While the character I actually play will be based on myself, I plan on writing a comic based on her adventures and the character in the comic that is based off her will be entirely different. I've been thinking about this since I played with ideas in another thread a while back.

Name: Cynthia

Cynthia is going to be a shy, but responsible girl who's never left home before. In fact, leaving town was all her mother's idea. Cynthia aspires to make dresses and other outfits that everyone will love. Her mother bought her a train ticket and quickly ushered her onto the train. She's going to be extremely nervous already; but imagine what will happen when she discovers there's been a mistake of identity!
My character will be named redacted. He's moving out of my AC:WW town to look for a new place to live. Simple and easy.
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Here's my story:


when Ren? was just a kid he was abandoned by his parents in a small village in the middle of nowhere wich was inhabited by animals. He lived there for 5 years after wich he managed to escape the town. When he told this story to a therapist, he was considered crazy and put on a train to an institute. Once he got onto the train, a cat named Rover switched tickets with him. 'Your not crazy', the red-eyed cat said to Ren?. After wich Ren? passed out and then woke up just before the train arrived...
I'm enjoying reading everyone's stories. I may have to sit down (now that I'm not working again, my second shortest employment [the first only lasted 2 days]) and write something.
I'm enjoying reading everyone's stories. I may have to sit down (now that I'm not working again, my second shortest employment [the first only lasted 2 days]) and write something.

Me too :) I love all the background stories, its super cute! I think I'll have to make my own as well.
Raised in the concrete jungle of the city, Stormy is ready to get some fresh air and live out in the country. When she gets off at a little town in the middle of nowhere, she is shocked when she's welcomed as the new mayor. This was the last thing she expected. She almost corrects them, but when she goes to plant the town's tree, she can't help but enjoy the adoration of the town residents. Soon, she gets into the bug-catching, fishing, gardening, and slow-paced life and forgets that she was city-raised and mistakenly made the mayor.
The character will be named after myself, and her backstory will be a mix of my life and some exaggerated parts.

I won't give it away but there will be daily updates of the games progress and my characters story on my tumblr and probably a stand alone blog site ^^
I use my characters WITH a backstory on Animal Crossing and they are connected 95% of the time. Since i have such a huge list i use a different character for most of the games.
Well, I'm most likely going to have a "main character" who portrays myself, but I may just stick with my OCs (original characters)that I think of. So far I have...

Lolita spent most of her life pampered in luxury under the close yet neglecting eyes of her parents. They sheltered her as much as possible from the outside world as most over-protective parents did. Yet they rarely ever had one-on-one time with the child. "Mommy" and "Daddy" were always busy with their careers. Lolita didn't seem to mind her parents' absences. She was an extremely well-behave, docile kid. If she had conflicting feelings, she would just bottle them up for everyone's good. Little did she know that this would become her greatest downfall. One day, a fit of rage seized Lolita when her mother walked away from her after she had asked a question, completely ignoring her own child. She failed to suppress her outrage, and unleashed it on the household. Her parents were shocked, mortified, disgusted. What had gotten in to their child? Where had they gone wrong? Soon enough, not just anger was relentlessly pouring out of Lolita but all of her bottled up emotions. Something had popped the cap on her jar of feelings, setting free all of her inhibitions. Her parents fought back--her mother with her earsplitting screams, her father with his fists. After her punishment for expressing her true feelings, she was sent to her room for a "time-out", unfitting for a girl of her age. The days following that outburst were chock full of backbreaking labor, heated scoldings, painful blows and time outs. Confused about her new found inability to control her conflicting feelings, Lolita leaped down from her window one day in order to escape her home that had now become a prison. The naive young lady jumped on a train going anywhere. As the train pulled out of the station, beginning on its journey to its destination that was unknown to Lolita, she made a promise to herself not to bottle up her feelings anymore. She didn't want another incident like that. However, she didn't realize that her promise to herself meant letting loose her untamed rage, overbearing sorrow, acute elation and other extreme emotions without second thought. She was now a loose canon, waiting for a anything to light the callow teenager's fuse.

Aaand that's the only character I've developed so far, haha. Not sure how I like it, seems kind of typical. Oh well. ;)
Since my Character is basically me (including the name):

Name: Kenneth
Age: 15
Height: 5'4
Weight: Im a little chubby
Race: Black

Hobbies: Reading & writing stories & comic books, wathing cartoons & movies, playing video games, & relaxing.

Backstory: My whole life, I've wanted life long friends. In school, people have been nice to me, but I could never call them my friends. When I see groups of people hanging out & laughing & havinng fun, I just go off somewhere else & feel envious of their friendship.
(This is actually part of my real life. I have had friends, but not TRUE friends. I'm sure you know what I mean)
Well usually I'd just play the character as if it was myself but because the wait for NL has been so long my imagination kind of wandered and I found myself coming up with a possible back story for my character. I'll probably have a second character as well with my real name.


Hazel has been suffering for the past year with anxiety and depression. She hardly sleeps most nights, eats little and rarely leaves her house. She has never had any real friends and the people who she was somewhat friendly with her have forgotten about her due to her long absences from school. Naturally her parents have been very worried and have been sending her to therapy. However it doesn't seem to be helping. So Hazel's therapist suggests she moves to RoseWood*, a small coastal village with animal inhabitants, for a while to see if it would help her. At first Hazel is against moving but after a serious talk with her Mom (in which Hazel's mom reveals she too had issues when she was younger and moved to an animal village for a while and how much it had helped her), Hazel promises to move to RoseWood at least for the summer to have a fresh start at life. Hazel is turning over a new leaf.
Little does she know what lies in store for her as the town members mistake her for their new mayor! At first Hazel feels panic but she remembers her promise to her Mom to really try to work hard and to enjoy life. Hazel soon finds the villagers to be cute and joyful and the general atmosphere of the town to be peaceful and charming. But the town is struggling. It needs someone to spruce it up a bit so that more villagers will come to live there and so it won't be torn down and replaced by factories. So Hazel decides to do her best to help and becomes mayor. It is through doing her duties as mayor that Hazel finds the motivation and confidence to start living her life to the full again.

*I may or may not change the town name I haven't decided yet.

It isn't much and I'll probably add more to it or edit it but yeah that's the general idea I have. :)
While the character I actually play will be based on myself, I plan on writing a comic based on her adventures and the character in the comic that is based off her will be entirely different. I've been thinking about this since I played with ideas in another thread a while back.

Name: Cynthia

Cynthia is going to be a shy, but responsible girl who's never left home before. In fact, leaving town was all her mother's idea. Cynthia aspires to make dresses and other outfits that everyone will love. Her mother bought her a train ticket and quickly ushered her onto the train. She's going to be extremely nervous already; but imagine what will happen when she discovers there's been a mistake of identity!

That's my real life name. LOL.
My character will be named after my OC, but their stories will be really different

- Jezebel didn't have a lot of friends, or a lot of anything. Her father died when she was little and after that her mom went into a state of depression that she never came out of. One day while stumbling through the woods she found a small village filled with animals, but they weren't like normal animals at all. They walked on two legs, wore clothes, and could talk! The villagers became found of the little girl and even let her have a cottage there. Overwhelmed with excitement Jezzie told everyone at school what she had seen. No one believed her and the kids started to bully her. The only human she could trust was her godmother because she was the only one who truly loved her. After awhile Jezzie started to refer to her as her real mom.
Though she was bullied Jezebel continued to go to the little village where she felt she fit in and because of it she was sent therapy. Eventually she started to believe everyone and excepted that the little animals were only a dream. After her High School graduation a boy came up to her and handed her a train ticket "I always believed you" he said. She jumped on the train without even packing a bag and found herself sitting next to a familiar cat.
My character will be named after my OC, but their stories will be really different

- Jezebel didn't have a lot of friends, or a lot of anything. Her father died when she was little and after that her mom went into a state of depression that she never came out of. One day while stumbling through the woods she found a small village filled with animals, but they weren't like normal animals at all. They walked on two legs, wore clothes, and could talk! The villagers became found of the little girl and even let her have a cottage there. Overwhelmed with excitement Jezzie told everyone at school what she had seen. No one believed her and the kids started to bully her. The only human she could trust was her godmother because she was the only one who truly loved her. After awhile Jezzie started to refer to her as her real mom.
Though she was bullied Jezebel continued to go to the little village where she felt she fit in and because of it she was sent therapy. Eventually she started to believe everyone and excepted that the little animals were only a dream. After her High School graduation a boy came up to her and handed her a train ticket "I always believed you" he said. She jumped on the train without even packing a bag and found herself sitting next to a familiar cat.

Wow, I love that background story. That's great!