Charged TBT to Edit Posts?


Shh... don't wake the sleeping hedgie
May 2, 2020
Love Tokens
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Ancient Candle
I was messing around with my island journal this evening, redoing some of the introduction posts, and afterwards I noticed my TBT balance had decreased by 13 bells. I went into my transaction log, and this was due to an “Island Journal Update”.

Upon further inspection, I noticed several other times I was charged — sometimes up to 15 bells — for modifying posts! Usually within my own threads (eg. updating a list of items available to trade).

I didn’t know this was a thing, and I’ve potentially lost over 100 TBT because of this. Does anyone know when this can happen? Not every edit has cost me, but now I’m paranoid...
If you erase text while editing it deducts bells from what you've earned by posting from it, so it's a good idea to use strikethrough text sometimes to crossout things you've sold, if you add more you can gain more etc!!
If you erase text while editing it deducts bells from what you've earned by posting from it, so it's a good idea to use strikethrough text sometimes to crossout things you've sold, if you add more you can gain more etc!!
Oh my gosh, thank you! I will keep this in mind from now on! And at least it can’t deduct more than what you initially earned. That’s a huge relief. Thank you for this insight!