Chatbox for draw the villager above you!

Whoops, I still haven't drawn the two I was going to yesterday, fell asleep

I'll get to her if nobody else hasn't after I finish up the two I've got :)
Got Genji and Chester done!
2 more pieces to go ~

This is fun, and a good break from actually stuff I need to get done... lol.
Originally I didn't want to join the marshal fan club.
but it's kind of hard for me not to join the marshal fan club

hes so cute u w u
He looks very tsun, which I suppose is the appeal.. I haven't met him ingame yet tho, I bet he's cuter ingame
I have no idea why, but drawing these villagers is something so extraordinarily fun...

Anyhow, Chewie, if you're about, I've got my submission of Pippy and Caroline in.