Selling Cheap Battle Ready Comp PKMN/Event/Legends/Items


Soon, I will be resting in a field of flowers.
Apr 26, 2014
Throwback Tickets
Apple (Fruit)
Peach (Fruit)
Cherry (Fruit)
Pear (Fruit)
Orange (Fruit)
Father's Day Carnation
Mother's Day Carnation
Red Cosmos
White Cosmos
Yellow Cosmos
100% (336) +
Hello thank you for viewing, I have quit pokemon a while ago and so I am selling my pokemon and my good items for tbt once again.

-All battle ready's are ev trained and lv 100
-Egg moves will not be specified but are competitive egg moves
-I allow free holding of pokemon for up to 2 days
-Please transfer tbt before we do the trade, you can tell by my WIFI feedback rating I will not scam you

-If you spend over 500 tbt I will include a free item of your choice!

Slurpuff Naughty 6iv Unburden
Salamence Adamant (5-sp attack/6iv Can't remember ivs) Moxie
Mienshao Jolly 5iv-sp attack Regenerator
x2 Conkeldurr Adamant 5iv-sp attack Guts(Tutor move: Ice Punch)(egg moves? yes)
Weezing Bold 5iv-attack Levitate
Cloyster Adamant 5iv-sp attack(egg moves? yes)
Malamar Adamant 6iv Contrary
Aurorus Modest 5iv-attack Refrigerate(egg moves? yes)
Houndoom Timid 5iv-attack Flash Fire(egg moves? yes)
Avalugg Impish 5iv-sp attack Sturdy
Carbink Calm 5iv-attack Sturdy
Gallade Jolly 5iv-sp attack Justified(egg moves? yes)
Cofagrigus Bold 5iv-attack Mummy
Infernape Naive 5iv-s attack Blaze
Jumpluff Timid 5iv-sp attack Chlorophyll
Tyranitar Jolly 6iv Sand Stream(egg moves? yes)
Jellicent Calm 5iv-attack Water absorb (Tutor move: Giga Drain)
Aeglislash Adamant 6iv Stance Chnage
Dragalge Bold 5iv-attack Poison Point
Tyrantrum Adamant 5iv-sp attack Strong Jaw(egg moves? yes)
x2 Sylveon Calm 5iv-attack cute charm(egg moves? yes)
Vivillon(Pokeball) Timid 5iv-attack Compound eyes
Gigalyth Relaxed 4iv-sp attack -speed Sturdy(strange green pokeball)
Diggersby Adamant 5iv-sp attack Huge power

x2 Mawile Jolly 5iv-sp attack Intimidate
x2 Slowbro Bold 5iv-attack Regenerator
x2 Mamoswine Adamant 5iv-sp attack Thick Fat(egg moves? yes)
x2 Druddigon Adamant 5iv-sp attack Rough Skin(Tutor move Fire Punch)
x2 Rotom Timid 5iv-attack Levitate
Chandelure Timid 5iv-attack Flash fire(Tutor moves Trick)
x3 Machamp Adamant 5iv-sp attack No guard(egg moves? yes)
x2 Mandibuzz Careful 5iv-sp attack Overcoat(egg moves? yes)
x2 Sharpedo Adamant 5iv-sp attack Speed Boost
x2 Amoongus Calm 5iv-attack Regenerator
x3 Venusaur Bold (not sure iv's ivs = hp fire) Overgrow(egg moves? yes)
x3 Weavile Jolly 5iv-sp attack Pressure(egg moves? yes)
x2 Salamence Adamant 5iv-sp attack Moxie(egg moves? yes)
x3 Porygon2 Calm 5iv-attack Trace
x3 Noivern Timid 5iv-attack Infiltrator
x2 Greninja Timid 5iv-attack Protean
x3 Gastrodon Bold 5iv-attack Storm Drain
x2 Darmanitan Adamant 5iv-sp attack Sheer Force
Breloom Adamant 5iv-sp attack Technician(egg moves? yes)
Scrafty Jolly 5iv-sp attack Moxie(egg moves? yes)
Hitmonlee Adamant 5iv-sp attack Unburden
x2 Gliscor Impish 5iv-sp attack Poison Heal
Goodra Calm 5iv-attack Gooey
x2 Sabeleye Impish 5iv-sp attack Prankster(egg moves? yes)
Sabeleye Bold 5iv-attack Prankster(egg moves? yes)
x3 Togekiss Calm 5iv-attack Scerene Grace
Kangaskhan Jolly 5iv-sp attack Scrappy
Scizor Adamant 5iv-sp attack Techinician (Tutor move Bug Bite)(egg moves? yes)
Steelix Impish 5iv-sp attack Sturdy (Tutor moves: Iron Tail/Stealth rock)
x2 Shuckle Impish 4iv-attack -speed) Contrary
Emolga Timid (forgot ivs ivs=specific hp) Static
Trevenant Impish 5iv-sp attack Harvest
Gardevoir Timid 5iv-attack Trace
x2 Torkoal Bold 5iv-attack Shell Armor(Tutor move: Stealth rock)(egg moves? yes)
Eelektross Modest (ivs - hp ice) Levitate(Tutor move: Giga Drain)
Skarmory Impish (either 5iv-sp attack or 6iv) Sturdy (Japanese)(egg moves? yes)
Claydol Sassy 5iv-sp attack Levitate(Transfer move: Stealth rock)
x2 Manectric Timid (Ivs = Hp ice) Lightning rod
x2 Umbreon Careful 5iv-sp attack Synchronize(egg moves? yes)
Jumpluff Jolly 5iv-sp attack Infiltrator
Wobbuffet Calm 4iv-attack -sp attack Shadow tag
Klefki Impish 5iv-attack Prankster
Rhyperior Adamant 5iv-sp attack Solid Rock(Tutor move: Fire Punch)
Florges(White) Calm 5iv-attack Flower Veil
Galvantula timid 5iv-attack Compund Eyes
Chansey Calm 5iv-attack Natural Cure(egg moves? yes)
Heliosk Timid 5iv-attack Solar Power

Shiny Kyogre Modest 6iv Drizzle
Shiny Lugia Bold 6iv Pressure

Bunnelby Adamant 6iv Huge power lv 26 nickname Eminem
Furfrou Impish 6iv Fur Coat lv 1
Lotad Bold 6iv Rain Dish lv 1(egg moves? yes)
Gourgeist Impish 6iv lv 1 Pickup(egg moves? yes)
Ralts Modest 5iv-Hp lv 1 German
Aegislashv Brave lv 35 5iv-attack
Aron lv 1 5iv-Defense lax

Sigilyth Bold -attack Wonder skin(egg moves? yes)
Sigilyth Bold -attack Magic Guard(egg moves? yes)
Gible Jolly 5iv-sp attack Rough Skin(German)(egg moves? yes)
Dieno Timid 5iv-attack Hustle(egg moves? yes)
Marill Adamant 5iv-sp attack Huge Power(egg moves? yes)
Shuppet Adamant 5iv-sp attack Insomnia(egg moves? yes)
Absol Adamant 5iv-sp attack Pressure (egg moves? yes)
Pumpkaboo(super size)Impish 5iv-sp attack Frisk
Fletchling Adamant 5iv-sp attack Gale Wings
Amaura Modest 5iv-attack Refrigerate (egg moves? yes)
Noibat timid 5iv-attack Frisk (Japanese) (egg moves? yes)
Houndour timid flash fire 5iv-attack (egg moves? yes)
x2(different genders) Adamant sheer force 5iv-sp attack (egg moves? yes)
Squirtle Modest Torrent 5iv-hp (egg moves? yes)
Totodile Lax Torrent 5iv-attack (egg moves? yes)
Abra Timid Magic guard 5iv-defense
Electrike timid 5iv-sp attack lightning rod
Eeevee Serious 5iv-attack run away
Croconaw Jolly 5iv-attack Torrent
Nincada Jolly 5iv-sp defense compund eyes
Alomomola Bold 5iv-sp attack Regenerator(transfer only ability)
Minccino Jolly 5iv-sp attack Skill link
Charmander Adamant 5iv-sp attack Blaze(egg moves? yes)

Shiny Gyrados Adamant 5iv-defense Intimidate
Shiny Uxie Bold 6iv Levitate (Tutor move: Stealth rock)

Ditto lv 47 Bold
Shiny Ditto lv 37 Jolly
Shiny Ditto lv 100 Adamant
Ditto lv 100 Timid

pokebank Celebi Sassy lv 10
pokebank Celebi Jolly lv 10
Black & White - 1st Anniversary Mewtwo Hardy lv 70(Event move: electro ball)
Black & White - 1st Anniversary Mewtwo Modest lv 70(Event move: electro ball)
Black & White - 1st Anniversary Mewtwo Timid lv 70(Event move: electro ball)
GTS Vivillon(Fancy) lv 12 Adamant (event move: Hold Hands)
Gamestop Distribution Shiny Giratina lv 100 Relaxed
Pok?mon Mega Stone Event Pinsir Adamant lv 50 Mold Breaker
Liberty Island Victini Gentle lv 39
Gamestop Promotion Keldeo Docile lv 15
1st Anniversary Reshiram Modest lv 100 (event moves: Mist)
Vote to Befriend a Pok?mon Arceus Calm lv 100
Mega Blaziken Event Torchic Brave lv 10
Shiny Raikou Rash lv 68(event moves: Zap Cannon/Aura Sphere/Extreme Speed/Weather ball)
Plasma Deoxys lv 100 Naive(Event moves: Nasty Plot/Dark Pulse
Movie Shiny Entei lv 30 Adamant(Event moves: Falre Blitz/Howl/Extreme Speed/Crush Claw
Gamestop Distribution Shiny Dialga Sassy lv 100
10th Anniversary Articuno lv 100 modest
Wi-Fi Shiny Pichu lv 30 Jolly

Regirock lv 65 serious
Reshiram lv 51 Modest
Reshiram lv 70 Impish(Nicknamed: Fiera)
Virizion lv 45 Modest
Virzion lv 45 Careful
Virizion lv 42 Modest
Xerneas lv 50 Naughty
Zekrom lv 70 Lax(Nicknamed: Electra)
Terrakion lv 45 Bashful
Terrakion lv 42 Lonely
Cobalion lv 42 Serious
Cobalion lv 45 Gentle
Cobalion lv 42 Hasty
Regice lv 65 Careful(Nicknamed: Kamina)
Zapdos lv 50 timid
Regigigas lv 68 Docile
Azelf lv 65 Docile(Nicknamed: Willpower)
Uxie lv 65 Timid(Nicknamed: Knowledge)
Mesprit lv 65 Lonely(Nicknamed: Emotion)
Registeel lv 65 Naughty
Tundurus lv 40 Timid
Heatran lv 68 Adamant
Zygarde lv 70 Naughty
Moltres lv 50 Jolly
Dialga lv 72 Bashful
Landorus lv 40 Timid (Japanese with Sheer force from dream radar)
Articuno lv 50 Hasty
Kyurem lv 70 Relaxed (Nicknamed: Ghetsis)

Dedenne(Nicknamed: Daisy)
Floette(blue)(Nicnkamed: Melissa)
Sandile 4iv-attack -speed
Heracross Adamant(Egg moves? Yes) 4iv forgot what ivs
Bronzong(lv 100)
Zorua(lv 100)
Golduck(nicknamed: My2Shiny [-.-] )
Skiddo lv 10(nicknamed: Kiddo)
Pelliper lv 26(nicknamed: Peeko)
Magnzeon(Nickanmed: Corrupt)
Gyrados(Nicknamed: RagN)
Luvdisc(Nicknamed: Luvidisco

Shiny Mew Quirky 6iv Synchronize lv 33
Shiny Jirachi Modest 6iv Serene Grace lv 10(Event move: Moonblast)

x4 Leaf Stone
x4 Fire Stone
x1 Thunderstone
x4 Kings Rock
x1 Moon Stone
x1 Whipped Dream
x1 Sachet
x4 Evolite
x1 Deep Sea Tooth
x1 Deep Sea Scale
x3 Master Ball
x28 Heartscale
x1 Reaper Cloth
x3 Black Sludge
x4 Toxic Orb
x3 Flame Orb
x5 Waterstone
x1 Gengarite
x1 Abomasite
x1 Ampharosite
x1 Absolite
x4 Mawilite
x2 Garchompite
x2 Banettite
x1 Alakazite
x3 Venusaurite
x1 Aerodactylite
x1 Blastoisinite
x1 Mewtwonite Y
x1 Medchiamite
x1 Aggronite
x2 Charizardite Y
x3 Manectite
x1 Kangaskhanite
x2 Gardevoirite
x1 Scizorite
x1 Focus Sash
x2 Big Root
x1 Normal Gem
x2 Assult Vest
x2 Ability Capsule
x8 Choice Scarf
x1 Safety Goggles
x1 Razor Claw
x4 Expert Belt
x7 Leftovers
x2 Rare Candy
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hihi I'm getting my new 3ds monday could I hold some of the event pokemon until then (possibly at the latest tuesday) if I pay some bells forward?
hihi I'm getting my new 3ds monday could I hold some of the event pokemon until then (possibly at the latest tuesday) if I pay some bells forward?

No need to pay forward, what ones do you want to reserve?
Can I get the shiny pichu? And the jirachi?

I need to go soon, so will you be on at 10p?
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Claydol Sassy 5iv-sp attack Levitate(Transfer move: Stealth rock) [could it be nicknamed?, no worries if it can't ;u;]
Landorus lv 40 Timid (Japanese with Sheer force from dream radar)
Alomomola Bold 5iv-sp attack Regenerator(transfer only ability)
Gigalyth Relaxed 4iv-sp attack -speed Sturdy(strange green pokeball) [is this a female by anychance ;o;]
Dedenne(Nicknamed: Daisy)
I looked at the events and i think I have those already but an awesome collection of BR pokemon. I'm eyeing a few others 2 but rn I def want the ones I listed.
I'll VM you monday (UPS better deliver my stuff I s2g, and I gotta transfer my data from one ds to another cuz my old one broke its wifi card -insert long dumb explanation- )
r u sure u dont want any bells up front? if u change ur mind lmk :)
Can I get the shiny pichu? And the jirachi?

I need to go soon, so will you be on at 10p?

if that's in 6 hours, yes!

- - - Post Merge - - -

Claydol Sassy 5iv-sp attack Levitate(Transfer move: Stealth rock) [could it be nicknamed?, no worries if it can't ;u;]
Landorus lv 40 Timid (Japanese with Sheer force from dream radar)
Alomomola Bold 5iv-sp attack Regenerator(transfer only ability)
Gigalyth Relaxed 4iv-sp attack -speed Sturdy(strange green pokeball) [is this a female by anychance ;o;]
Dedenne(Nicknamed: Daisy)
I looked at the events and i think I have those already but an awesome collection of BR pokemon. I'm eyeing a few others 2 but rn I def want the ones I listed.
I'll VM you monday (UPS better deliver my stuff I s2g, and I gotta transfer my data from one ds to another cuz my old one broke its wifi card -insert long dumb explanation- )
r u sure u dont want any bells up front? if u change ur mind lmk :)

sure I will hold those and no gigalyth is male sorry