I'll post a round up of the Upper BracketRound One after all of the battles have been completed (deadline tonight!), but so we don't have a time crunch later down the line the first round of battles in the Lower Bracket are as follows:
Sounds good to me! I've been eyeing this thread every now and then to see who I'll be facing. Just glad I'm not getting to the third round on another bye. I'd actually like to battle someone so that I have to earn it.
Congratulations @Flyffel, @Dim, @Chibi.Hoshi and @Midoriya on your amazing performances in this tournament!! I only got to face a couple of you but from what I heard you all did amazing!
Hopefully next time the TBTWC allows a non-elim format so everyone gets to enjoy a bunch of great battles they were sure to miss out on this time!