Shop ~ Cheap TBT Shop ~ 400 NMTs per 100 TBT, Material Stacks (4 TBT each), Framed Photos, DIYs, Statues, Models, Gulliver, Fish Bait

  1. TBT Bells
Looking to trade 100tbt for that 1.2mil.

You can contact me through discord. Taroloaf#3478
im on right now and also usually at night PST.
I’m a little bit rusty on the whole trading for TBT, but could I get 5 each of purple and blue roses for 56 TBT (if I’ve done my math right)?
Ah, nevermind. I see you're trying give roses, not buy. My mistake!
Hey! I'm interested in some Blue Roses :) If you're available for trade in about 10-15 mins, I'll take 10 for 80 TBT? ^^
TBT are your forum bells that you make from posting, or trading for them. They're directly under your name, IE you have 41 right now. :)