Cycling ***Check thread for who's in Boxes***

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Thank you so much,and can you friend me? ^_^ if LadyScion asks say i gave to you.
Awww! That's so sweet of you! I really appreciate it :D And yeah! You can just make a thread if you would like saying that you are look for Static! I will be keeping my eye out for you!

I will get Joey ready for you as soon as I get back from getting my daughters bday gift.

- - - Post Merge - - -

Thank you so much,and can you friend me? ^_^ if LadyScion asks say i gave to you.

I will also keep a look out for Static for you. Not sure if I cycled out enough for him yet but if I see him go up I will try and get him.
@K9Ike I friended you! And no problem! You should also take a look on Tumblr, I have seen Static being given away plenty of times there too! Just go on Tumblr and in the search type in like 'villager adopt' and a bunch of stuff comes up!!

I will get Joey ready for you as soon as I get back from getting my daughters bday gift.

And okay thanks so much! No problem :)
@K9Ike I friended you! And no problem! You should also take a look on Tumblr, I have seen Static being given away plenty of times there too! Just go on Tumblr and in the search type in like 'villager adopt' and a bunch of stuff comes up!!

And okay thanks so much! No problem :)

I will add you now and open my gate. Once you are done I will end session. Thanks again for waiting!
Anyone want to give her a home? Don't want to void her again... Will keep her up until Walking dead is over :D

-And she has been voided again-
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