Chere's Art Thread

god, your art is amaaazing. I dig your color palettes and the way you get your lighting. you've improved so much just looking through your portfolios, and what draws me so much is the color! i love it. pretty inspiring from one hobby artist to another <: i haven't picked up my tablet in months due to the sheer amount of depression lol but looking at your work gives me a kick. thanks for posting these <3

Oh my goodness, thank you so much?? Comments like that really make my day, you have no idea ;;
I'm super flattered that you like my work so much to the point where it's inspiring you (even if it's just a little)! I've gotten a lot of nice comments about my lighting and how I use colour before and that truly means a lot because this year I've been really pushing myself to play around with colour, try out new palettes, etc.
So thank you for such a lovely comment! <3

Great work, Misera. Just WOW.

Thank you! I'm glad you like my work :)
It's been over a year but I've decided to bring this thread back for a while! I can't promise how long I'll keep this up but I'm excited to share more of my art! I've been really productive artwise this summer and I've kind of slowed down due to straining my hand a few weeks ago, but taking things at a slower pace has honestly been really nice.

I thought I'd first start off by sharing my new pfp! I drew it specifically to use on here, because although my old one was only a year old it was time for a change. The character featured is my New Horizons island rep, Eris! ^^

Here's some warm-up sketches I did of Julian and Dotty, my two favourite AC villagers! I actually did these back in May after not really doing any digital art for months because I was burnt out from my college semester. i really need to do more warm-ups like these dkfdk

Here's one of my favourite pieces at the moment! I started this back in April and only finished it last month since I was slowly chipping away at it. It's a really experimental piece, where I reverted to a more anime-like style and used thicker, sharper lines and pushed myself to use colours I don't usually use (orange and green). The character featured is my oc, Seren!

I am so obsessed with your artwork! You’re so talented and I love how you colour! 🥺
Omg thank you so much! I've definitely have gotten a better sense of colour over the past few years so that means a lot :>
Oh my...your art is so amazing. All I can do is just stare @__@ are you so gooood? <3
Thank you so much! That's so sweet of you to say!

I remember seeing your art around ages ago!!!
It was already beautiful before but you improved so much 😳
Omg I remember you too! But ah that means a lot, it's cool too know that you remember my art :giggle: I'm glad you think I've improved! 💕
omg yesss i remember first seeing your art!!! still amazing as ever, gosh you people are so talented i could never 🤧