Cherry blossom DIY


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Apr 28, 2013
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I have not found any Cherry blossom DIY as of right now except the picnic set DIY Isabelle sends you on April 1st. I have played a lot the last few days because I wanted to get all the Bunny Day DIY and the Cherry Blossom DIY. Still, no luck on the latter.

Now that Bunny Day is over, I’m expecting that Cherry Blossom DIY will start spawning.

Have you had any luck in popping Cherry Blossom DIY out of balloons between April 1-4 ? Is the game locking us out of those until April 5th?
I needed 10 Cherry Blossom recipes when April 1st hit, I'm down to only needing 3.

You'll probably have better luck once the Easter balloons stop flying by...but otherwise just camp on your beach and look for balloons at XX:X4 and XX:X9 minutes.
I have only received one cherry blossom recipe (excluding the one from Isabelle) and that one I found in a balloon. I am assuming that with bunny day, cherry blossom recipes will be more frequent but I think we can still receive young spring bamboo recipes still.
Last year, I actually got zero Cherry Blossom DIYs other than the picnic set from Isabelle. This year, I just got my very first one (Blossom-Viewing Lantern) at 11:53 PM on Bunny Day, so it looks like they do spawn before Bunny Day ends (Zipper is still here).
I'm missing some cherry blossom DIYs from last year, I luckily found one during the bunny event, and another one today. I'll try more actively to find the last ones before cherry blossom period ends.
I've got 7 dyis, most of them I got the same day popping balloons while decorating near the beach where they appear. I thought they changed the rates so it would be easier to get them, but it seems I just got lucky.
I got the cherry blossom pile last night and was really excited. I'd really love to get all of them. Especially those tall lamp things, I forget what they're called.
I've been slacking on playing but I still feel like I've popped so many balloons and found.. absolutely nothing lol. i missed a bunch last year because of egg day so i'm hoping i get a chance sometime soon to sit down and just maniacally run up and down my beach - worth it for the pretty diys
Don't worry I've only got three at the moment, I put it down to Bunny Day being the focus event for the last few days. Hopefully now it's over you'll be able to collection more Cherry Blossom DIY's. I'm hoping for a few more when I play later on today as some of them look absolutely gorgeous and it would be a shame to miss out on them until next year.
I’ve gotten probably 8 so far, I got about 5-6 of them yesterday on Easter. The eggs fly on their own pattern so it shouldn’t have been obscuring the recipes. I just think they have a low drop rate plus rng.
I got 2 so far and both duplicates from last year.
I like how they come from balloons but I wish it was more likely and duplicates were impossible until you have them all collected.
I was able to get 1 DIY but that's it. I think I'm going to keep my game on all day today to see if I can get more.
Good luck!
All 3 extra players have had good luck finding Cherry Blossom DIY. Last night an extra player completed all of the Cherry Blossom.
The other 2 are at 9/14. On April 1st one player needed 5 more Bunny DIY recipes. At the end of the night she had 5 DIY Cherry Blossom and 1 Bunny DIY recipe from Balloons. Bunny Day DIY recipes took 7 Days to complete.
My character has received only 3 so far. However, when I opened my Switch tonight, I was prompted to install a small update. I immediately began hoping that it was one that would fix the cherry blossom recipe RNG but it probably isn't.
Even after Bunny Day I only found one in an entire farming afternoon and ended up buying the rest here. These short balloon events aren't worth the stress.
I was lucky and got them all last year. I actually liked having all bunny day balloons then because it felt like less time between balloon spawns. I'm trying to help my friend get the ones she needs but since I have them all there is only a 5% spawn rate for me to get any.
I've found the spawn rate to be much better for me this year. I remember hunting balloons like crazy last year, but was still missing a handful when the season ended. This time around the remaining diys dropped for me basically one after another, while I was running around doing other stuff. Nice to have a full set at last!
I got them all but it took hours and hours of hunting everyday to get them all and I still almost didn't finish. I thought my game was glitched; that's how bad the drop rate was. Literally hunted for at least an hour a day to get 1, but most days I had to hunt 2 hours to get 1 DIY. And by hunting, I mean I ran up and down my beach at every :04 and :09 mark until it went 2 minutes over. I remember I had to hunt for 4 hours on one of the days to finish :(