No thanks. I like to pay for my stuff. Not just take hand-outs or STEAL things.

Thanks anyway, though. I appriciate it.
Chester it could b alot of work but if u make a 2nd character u could get it all back 4 free! :]
Like you said, a lot of work.

I am a generally lazy person. I had my stuff stolen, so i wont feel guilt by buying it becuase I know I worked hard and earned them. I deserve to posess them, therefore i shall buy more.
I've met Chester before, no way he'd do that D:
See, what I say is, that LegoPirate was abducted by aliens. Then a zombie came out from behind and started eating a bit of his brain... Then, they put him down back at his house. So, it wasn't really him who stole your stuff, it was his sister.
>_>; Yes, I've known crash for... 2 months now? We have become somewhat close friends, and if you guys are going to take ANYONES opinion, take his. Besides, LegoPirate didn't even say what I "Stole" from his town. (I stole his Oxygen, if you count that.) I gave information in my case with detail. He only said "Ceshtir -_ ROulz SKAMD MII HE SKAHMS PEEPLE"

Legopirate, you just got ripped apart by a three-year old who enjoys ripping apart pirates made of colorful, rectangular and square plastic blocks.

Also known as PWN'T!
Bloodywolf090 said:
Chester_Rulz said:
I am. I have 2 witnesses. We also have PROOF he took them. And then him and his cousin chopped down about 4 palm trees before running off saying "You can't report us, because you don't know our new username!" But then I powered off. But they still cut the trees down and they had stole the items about 6 hours before. I concluded it was him about 4 hours into my interrigation of the 3 visitors. There was a specific time where nobody BUT him could have taken them, because we were altogether, until he had run off to take them.
Wow thats alot of info. so yeah your right.

i was gonna let him buy my golden axe :O he would have took that.
hmm sounds like a serious case is on our hands who is right and who are the witnesses r they on the forums?
I am not a nub D< I am not made out of rectangular and square, plastic, colorful blocks either!

I would tell you guys the witnesses, but I don't want to get them involved because they are not at fault here. But if they PM me saying its alright, I'll tell you guys.

EDIT: Yes, they go on the forums.

And I see LegoPirate is stalking this topic e_e


*watches chubby 3-year old fall on a pirate constructed out of legos, desroying it*
Chester_Rulz said:
I am not a nub D< I am not made out of rectangular and square, plastic, colorful blocks either!

I would tell you guys the witnesses, but I don't want to get them involved because they are not at fault here. But if they PM me saying its alright, I'll tell you guys.
k lol i really want to know who is guilty
I was there unfortunately.... everything chester is saying so far is right!

BTW legoP was swearing and saying offensive things to chester FYI


*watches chubby 3 year old trip and fall on him again*
