Chibi Robo: Park Patrol Review


Senior Member
Sep 3, 2007
<big><big><big><span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>Chibi Robo: Park Patrol</big></span>

Basic Information

1.Platform: Nintendo DS
2.Publisher: Nintendo
3.Developer: Skip
4.ESRB Rating: Everyone
5.North American Release Date: October 2nd,2007
6.Genre: Action-Adventure
7.Multi-player Yes(2 player)


Chibi-Robo: Park Patrol seems like one of those games that aren't so good and are often store exclusive. Well that isn't the case here! Chibi-Robo Park Patrol is one of those good games that many people are just going to skip over because it's exclusive to Wal-Mart. Well I took a chance with Chibi-Robo: Park Patrol, and I must say, it's one of the best Nintendo DS games I've ever played. It'd unique story and amazing gameplay. I really can't understand why this game is exclusive to Wal-Mart. If they had made this game available everywhere, this game would surely sell at least one million copies.

Looking at screenshots of the game, you might notice that everything seems large. This is because of the fact that your a four inch robot who's job is to rebuild a park that has been destroyed by Sergeant Smogglor and his evil Smoglings. Using your trusty squirter, that you use to spray flower buds and to make them turn into flowers, and your boom box you can easily save the park! The boom box is used to dance and with good timings, you can make flowers to disperse seeds that can grow into more flowers.


Chibi Robo

Throughout your adventure, Sergeant Smogglor and his Smoglings will occasionally drop by and create havoc by turning your wide array colourful flowers into black flowers which wither and die when night falls. They'll also destroy bridges, fountains, and lots of other stuff you have in your park. The only way to stop them is to use your trusty squirter and spray the Smoglings. After you spray them enough, they'll pop disperining water everywhere. There are also some Smoglings that appear that have special powers. One of them is a giant Smogling that won't exploud when you shoot it with water. You'll need to think carefully on a strategy on what to do.

After so many flowers grow in one area, the soil there will transform into grass. Doing this will make your park better and more visitors will visit your park. There is also certain types of terrain that flowers can't grow in because it doesn't have the proper nutrients flowers need in order to grow. In order to transform this terrain into the proper soil flowers need to grow, you'll need to get help from other toys to help you.


Sergeant Smogglor and his Smoglings

Though most of the game revolves around maintaining a park and rebuilding it, you can also visit the city. In the city, you can find items, go to the flower shop, and make new friends with toys that will help you with the park. These friends all have a special attribute that will charge less for a certain job than others. There are many toys that will be glad to help you, such as Francois the French puppet.

In the city, you can also sell flowers. In order to sell flowers, you must first obtain the Clippers and cut the flowers you want to sell in the park. Then, once you cut the flowers you want to sell, you bring them to the flower shop where the store clerk will give you Happy Points. Happy Points are points that you can redeem for Watts, which is the currency in the game. With Watts, you can buy items for your park and pay other toys to help you build something in the park.


Bull, one of the toys you will befriend.

Throughout various points in the game, you will find cartridges. These cartridges contain special content such as the ability to make hills in your park, make fountains and statues, build different types of terrain, etc. Cartridges are very easy to find. Somem of the ways to find a cartridge is to help toys, dig up x's in the ground, and by looking in recycling boxes found throughout the city. There are tons of cartridges to find making it a great way to keep yourself occupied in the game.

As you explore the park and city, you consume energy. Chibi Robo needs energy in order to survive so you must use your energy wisely. Once you lose all your energy, you awake at your station where you can recharge, buy items, check the forecast, etc. At your station, energy costs a price from the outlet there, but in the city, it's free. Use all your energy wisely or you'll regret it!


Chibi Robo and his squirter!

Your station, which looks like Chibi-Robo's face, is like your centre of the game. It's in the middle of the path that divides the city and the park and it's also where you begin your quest each day. It's also where you talk to your friend, Chet, and where you restore your energy supply, buy items, manage the park, check the forecast, etc. Some people may say that it's inconviently located because of the size of the park, but in my opinion, it's perfectly located because then it's simple to access both the city and park.

Each day in the game starts in the morning and ends in the night. The days go by quickly and before you even reliaze it, it's already day 10! Each day revolved around simple tasks such as planting flowers, working on your park, and exploring the city. Once you grow so many flowers, new items can be purchased at the Chibi Gear section of your station. Then, once you buy the item you want, you can than use it. There are also special vehicles you can buy to make it quicker to travel.


Chibi Robo with his Boom Box

Chibi Robo: Park Patrol offers a mediocre presentation. There is lots of repitition when characters speak. Chet often says the same things over and over again which can get quite annoying. Other characters also repeat what they say when you speak to them. This problem could have been fixed if the game had the option of skipping dialogues.

The graphics in Chibi Robo: Park Patrol are quite impressive. They are pretty clear and colourful and fits the game quite well. There is nothing blocky, which is good in my opinion, and everything seems so real. I noticed a few small problems such as Chassey's tires aren't attached to her which could have been fixed, but overall, a pretty good job!

Music is quite a big part of this game because it's the only way to get flowers to disperse seeds. The variety of music is great and the sound effects are pretty good. The music on your boom box has quite a unique feel and it just wants you coming back for more! I must say that I'm really impressed with the music and sound effects in this game.

There aren't that many places to explore in Chibi Robo: Park Patrol. I would have liked to see some more areas to explore but I guess thats how the developers wanted the game to be. There is a lot of things to find and it's very fun to customize your park with the items you've found. There are tons of items to customize your park with which makes the game so much better!

Chibi Robo: Park Patrol has some great replay in my eyes. I'll be playing this game for a long time from now and I bet that it will be a long time before I actually find every item. The game would have been better with some Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection because then you could show your park to other people and get to see what other people have done to their park.


Closing Comments

Chibi Robo: Park Patrol is a great game overall. It's a really enjoyable game to play and it has lots of replay value. If your the type of person who must find or unlock everything in a game, this game is for you. Even if you don't like to find or unlock everything, you should at least buy this game to experience it's unique story. All I have to say now it to go to your nearest Wal-Mart and buy Chibi Robo: Park Patrol now! It's really that good!


1.Presentation: 6.5/10
6.Replay Value:10/10
7.Overall(Not an Average):9/10

Overall Score: 9/10

Prons and Cons


+Great Graphics
+Amazing Story
+Good Use of Sound
+Great Gameplay
+Excellent Replay!


-Lacks Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection
-Lack of Area to Explore

I pretty much completely agree with this review.

BTW, about the lack of area to explore...

If you want that you MUST play the orginal. Go get it, now.
Hm, maybe I'll get this game for Christmas if it's as good as you say it is.
Koehler said:
Hm, maybe I'll get this game for Christmas if it's as good as you say it is.
Good idea! It's a really good game! It's one of my favorite games on Nintendo DS! Get it for Christmas and you won't be dissapointed.
Great review, really lengthy. I kinda enjoyed it, very addicting, but I felt a little unsatisfied. This game had a lot of potential, but it feels a little shallow. The fact that there was no multiplayer of any kind was a let down
