Chibis (?) prefer usd over tbt


El Psy Congroo
May 29, 2014
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
June Birthstone (Pearl)
Mother's Day Carnation
May Birthstone (Emerald)
April Birthstone (Diamond)
March Birthstone (Aquamarine)
February Birthstone (Amethyst)
January Birthstone (Garnet)
December Birthstone (Turquoise)
November Birthstone (Topaz)
100% (56) +
hi i'm short on money and would like some more examples of chibis! I am opening:
- 1 free slot (not first come first serve, based on if I like your character design etc)
usd slot (unlimited)
- maybe 1 tbt slot (min offer 700
tbt, also based on design)

simple character design: 20-25 usd
detailed character design: 30-35 usd
done in pencil/sketch: 10-15 usd
large object +5 usd
smaller items +2 usd

Please provide the following:
- link to character examples (must be clear)
- which slot you are interested in


I dont have my hopes up very high for usd offers but I thought I would try ^ ^ it would help a lot if you could let others who might be interested know!

**I may not be able to respond to all, especially if it is to say that I reject an offer because it seems tedious to have to keep responding with a rejection
Oh my gosh! I love your art, so I'd like to try for the free slot because I'm low on both TBT and RLC right now. orz Here is the character I would like drawn:

Thanks very much for considering and for offering a free slot. c:
Heey, I don't have enough tbt but I just wanted to say your art is high quality and looks really great! I even love the attention to detail on the second drawing. And best of luck to you for getting rlc!
hey!!! Not buying anything but I think I saw your art on r/lovenikki on Reddit. I think your art is stunning! Just found it funny that I recognize someone here from the LN reddit sub lol
Oh my gosh! I love your art, so I'd like to try for the free slot because I'm low on both TBT and RLC right now. orz Here is the character I would like drawn:

Thanks very much for considering and for offering a free slot. c:

sure thing! <3

hi :3
id like to offer 800tbt for c: or for the free slot if you like her
your art is amazing! good luck with the rlc comms c:

thankyou! I'll be working on yours today ^ ^ for 800tbt?
Your art is super cute as always ; w ;

Thank you for considering <3

hopefully I have time for yours <3 it may take longer since I work weekends mostly

Heey, I don't have enough tbt but I just wanted to say your art is high quality and looks really great! I even love the attention to detail on the second drawing. And best of luck to you for getting rlc!

thank you! :blush:

hey!!! Not buying anything but I think I saw your art on r/lovenikki on Reddit. I think your art is stunning! Just found it funny that I recognize someone here from the LN reddit sub lol

omg yes another LN person! :000
and thank you :D
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I hope you will consider doing a picture of mayor because your art is unbelievably kawaii! ^^

My mayor- ABB5343F-586F-447A-A7E4-6FB41C2FF25E.jpg

Eye colour- D2D8E5DC-DADD-4A20-BFD7-A50FBFA6BF9F.jpg

Clothes and shoes- 60849A21-7012-4710-A1F7-0701BA805C99.jpg 36C3BD54-5110-483A-A32E-3CDDD222062D.png

If you do a picture~ I will pay 700 tbt - I would like a detailed character design:
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I'm not sure if you're taking more offers but just in case I'll drop this here since your art's really cute~ ^^
One of the 3 options from here (excluding Laighlinne) for 900tbt?

Thank you for considering c:
If your tbt slot is still open do you think you?d be interested in drawing my character cannelle?

I?d offer 1.2k tbt
hi sorry my wrist has been hurting for awhile lately and I want to give it some time to rest so I've been putting off drawing for now ;;
also once I'm done with current ones I can clear up more slots if I have time ^ ^
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