I've been having fun sending Christmas lights to people, so I decided to host a giveaway thread so I can send more. I'm not sure if people are going to enter though. If you already got Christmas lights from me, there's no need to enter; I hope you enjoy my gift! As for everyone else...
Read before entering:
☃ Please tell me your favorite holiday traditions or tell me what you loved about Season of Giving 2023! (I did not participate in last year's event, so that's why I'm curious.)
☃ Insert an image of my most loved Pokémon character Kieran somewhere in your post to prove that you've read all the rules! (Make sure it abides by the TBT guidelines and use spoilers if you're on mobile.)
The giveaway ends on 12/14/2024 at 7 PM PST, after which I will pick five random people to get lights from me through an online spinning wheel. Merry Christmas and happy holidays!
Read before entering:
☃ Please tell me your favorite holiday traditions or tell me what you loved about Season of Giving 2023! (I did not participate in last year's event, so that's why I'm curious.)
☃ Insert an image of my most loved Pokémon character Kieran somewhere in your post to prove that you've read all the rules! (Make sure it abides by the TBT guidelines and use spoilers if you're on mobile.)
The giveaway ends on 12/14/2024 at 7 PM PST, after which I will pick five random people to get lights from me through an online spinning wheel. Merry Christmas and happy holidays!
None for now.