Halloween is my favorite day of the year. I've been a big fan of scary stories, horror movies, and generally creepy stuff since I was like 3 years old. Saw my first horror movie (Child's Play) at about that age, watched Are You Afraid of the Dark? and read the Goosebumps books back when those were big things in the 90s. My aunt got me the Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark book and I absolutely adored the illustrations.
I always liked dressing up for Halloween as a kid, but unfortunately haven't done so very often in my adulthood. I used to like to enjoy checking out the party stores because they always had cool, unique masks, as opposed to the limited selection and same old stuff you see nowadays. The holiday feels significantly toned down compared to during my childhood, like trick-or-treat ending before the sun goes down while people my age used to keep going even when it was dark. Nonetheless, I make my own fun of it and will always celebrate it regardless. I always watch horror movies throughout October each year, listen to creepy music (like horror movie themes), bake pumpkin treats like cookies and pumpkin bread, carve a jack o' lantern, play horror video games, etc. I also do my part in keeping the holiday alive by passing out candy for trick or treaters. Unfortunately, Halloween always feels like it comes and goes too fast. I'm bummed that it's already over.
Christmas is also great, but if I absolutely have to choose between them, then yeah, Halloween wins out. That said, I really love baking cookies for family and friends, going around searching for the perfect gifts for people, decorating the tree and admiring the lights as they illuminate a dark room, and listening to Christmas music through all of it. Spending time with loved ones on Christmas, opening presents and seeing the reactions to the gifts you chose for them is fantastic. Christmas is definitely my second favorite day of the year.