Christmas Parties in Boston (games, prizes, island, etc.) [full]


c money
Feb 18, 2014
Throwback Tickets
100% (9) +
Hey there! This is very last second but I've decided to throw some casual get togethers tonight and tomorrow night. Tonight the party starts at 9:30 PM EST. The party tomorrow is TBD but will most likely be around the same time or a bit sooner. All games, activities, and prizes will be the same for both parties.

GAMES/ACTIVITIES( explanations and rules can be found here: )

-King Tut race (I have a course set up and I will show everyone the path to follow before the game starts).
-Fruit eating contest
-Axe chase (w/ King tut masks)
-Musical chairs (This game will be located in my main character's basement. Please exit the house right after each round so that I can rearrange the chairs. I will let everyone know when it's safe to come back in).
-Museum Hide and Seek Tag (Self-explanatory but more fun than it sounds).
-Island fun

This will be pretty much random but since we'll be doing 2-4 rounds of each game (it depends what everyone feels like doing really lol), so the winner will be given 2 prizes for each round. Prizes are completely random, and they will be wrapped. Prizes might include:
-99k bags
-Random Harvey/WA items
-My Melody items
-Gracie clothes/furniture
-Other random rare items

-You can run but as I have quite a few flowers/hybrids around the town please be cautious of them. Try to stay on the main road path.
-No stealing (this is a given lol)...
-Just be friendly to everyone. Don't give anyone a hard time or single them out.
-Follow the rules of the games.
-Please don't beg for prizes. This is just a relaxed night, all in fun, so whoever wins, wins ;) Everyone will be receiving a bag of 99k upon entry though, just because!
-I don't mind swearing or "adult/mature" topics at all myself but if someone is clearly offended, try to refrain from this.
-There is no exact schedule so we can take a break and just hang out or tour the houses in between games if that's what everyone would like. I am pretty easygoing for the most part.
-If you read all of this please write something about Christmas or winter in addition to the form, ie a tradition, something you like about wintertime, your favorite Christmas movie, song, etc. (this is just so that I know you read everything, I'll be sending 2 tbt to everyone that does this hehe)
-Also, don't worry about bringing anything. All of the items needed for the games will be supplied by me :)
-Please fill out this form:

FC (if not listed on sidebar/signature):

December 24:
1. Xandra
2. Redlobster
3. ccee663
4. Kalle
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wish I could come, but I'm too busy tonight and tomorrow. Everyone else enjoy yourselves!
Name: Kame
Town: Moo Shu
FC (if not listed on sidebar/signature): sidebar
December 23/24 party: December 24, but you'll have to pm/vm as a reminder, i could come today but 9:30 p.m is a little late for me, as my brother takes my computer at 9:00 to use it until 12, but i have the rest of the day before 9.

and my favorite Christmas song is jingle bells :p
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Name: Halle
Town: 26 Land
FC (if not listed on sidebar/signature): Sidebar
December 23/24 party: 23 please! If there's still room at the time of the event, may I invite my brother? ^^
And my favorite Christmas song is all of them >;3
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Thank you Bcat!! :)

Xandra - Of course! and yes I will be messaging everyone reminders! Sorry the party is so late, I have a few things going on until then. I'm hopefully going to be starting the party tomorrow a bit earlier!

- - - Post Merge - - -

Name: Halle
Town: 26 Land
FC (if not listed on sidebar/signature): Sidebar
December 23/24 party: 23 please! If there's still room at the time of the event, may I invite my brother? ^^
And my favorite Christmas song is all of them >;3

Sure thing!! Thanks for signing up :)
No prob, I think this'll be fun! ^^ Will you remind me when the time comes?
Yes! I have to make an unexpected few errands so it might not be exactly at 9:30... but no later than 10 for sure. I will message y'all as soon as I can! Sorry this is a little messy lol but that's my whole life so what's new? I have to go now but if anyone has any questions just message me and I will get back to ya asap.

Thanks for signing up yall!
What a fun idea! I'd love to come!
Name: Leilani
Town: New Leap
FC (if not listed on sidebar/signature): it's in the sidebar :)
December 23/24 party: 23, please!
I'm pretty sick this year, so gonna be stuck in my house for the holidays. I'll be able to see my family ofc, but this will be something fun for me to do in the mean time so thank you. :)
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hi there! this seems fun!

Name: brooke
Town: lavender
FC (if not listed on sidebar/signature): on sig and sidebar
December 23/24 party: december 23, please. :)
Hey yall sorry this is so delayed. Something personal came up last night and I was needed immediately. All is well now. So sorry for not being able to host last night. I will message everyone that signed up for yesterday's party. I am hoping to reschedule the party for sometime next week. That being said, the one for tonight is still on for 8:30-9ish pm EST. Stay tuned~
Town: Orlando
FC :0791-4992-2902

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Can you add me Claudia My friend code is 0791-4992-2902
Name: Celina
Town: Rose
FC (if not listed on sidebar/signature): on sidebar!
I will be at tonight's party! :D

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What's your FC name?
You open yours

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You did not open them yet

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Waiting for train.....

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Claudia, add me?
Name: Maddie
Town: SkyLoft
FC (if not listed on sidebar/signature): I'll PM you it.
December 23/24 party: 24
One of my favorite things about Christmas is waiting in the morning, I usually wake up at 4am on Christmas!
Two quick questions, 1st, what time is tonight's party? 2nd, one of my IRL friends plays ACNL, if she responds to my invite, can I PM you her friend code as well and she will also come?
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Name: Silver
Town: Lalaland
FC in sidebar
We don't really have any traditions..just kind of go with the flow. We recently moved across the country to live near more family so we will be spending Xmas with them.
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