.::/|*Christmas Signature Competition*|\::.

Sure you can enter, To post it on TBT go on www.tinypic.com and upload your Signature, it will give you a code like EXAMPLE:

Anyways I'll add you and goodluck.
I'll just enter the one i put, its in my signature.
My name for it: The Last Snowflake. ;O

yeah its rubbish as its my first and i dont have all the photo editing things so i used paint ;(
Here is mine, and it's completely hand drawn* so I hope that there will be no copyright issues...

Also, A cookie for anyone who can guess who those people are... :D
*sigh* I really wish that it is Moe and me :'(

I had to draw it out onto paper and then trace it into my computer...
That is a nice drawing.

I'm taking a guess but is it twilight? Anyways I'll cross you out and add your Signature.
Still not twilight though XD
Aww... I still have heaps of cookies and I'd have to finish them by myself :p