Church of Turnip


come celebrate ritualistic blockchain appreciation through sacrificial means through church going activities 🩷❤️ several turnip waters found active through river streams thanks to @Satoshi Suzuki fungible assets and cryptocurrency alike ❤️ for digital and physical and biological consumption for all ❤️
Is this a cult? I make a great follower
welcome devoted root vegetable fans and fans of fans to our lovely prayer session available to all by community means ❤️ we rejoice our savior @Satoshi Suzuki and relish in his blockchain glow which feeds us and quenches our thirst through BTC and biological structures ❤️ our soft and fleshy bodies are blessed with financial wealth and communicable assets digital physical or otherwise ❤️ seek shelter in the blockchain and divulge your feelings to the wonderous financial structure found deep in human cells and nervous systems ❤️ bone waters situation has been dealt with accordingly ❤️