Clarity is open for visitors :-) (Southern Hemisphere)

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Senior Member
Feb 27, 2019
100% (44) +
Hello, my island is open if anyone wants to hang out and fish/catch bugs/shop. I'll PM dodo code for anybody interested. :)

Able's: selling a variety of clothing, including kimonos.
Nook's: rose, mums and cosmos bags for sale, as well as a globe and bingo wheel.
There are also free DIY recipes between Nook's and Able's, so take what you like, but please be considerate of others and only take one.
Feel free to fish, catch bugs, write a bulletin message, wander around and talk to animals... basically whatever! All I ask is that you please not pick or trample flowers and not shake any bell trees. Thanks!

(oh yes and I don't need any tips/donations lol just come and hang).
Hey there!
I would love to visit to purchase flowers if you don’t mind ^^
Thank you for letting others visit your island
Hello, my island is open if anyone wants to hang out and fish/catch bugs/shop. I'll PM dodo code for anybody interested. :)

Able's: selling a variety of clothing, including kimonos.
Nook's: rose, mums and cosmos bags for sale, as well as a globe and bingo wheel.
There are also free DIY recipes between Nook's and Able's, so take what you like, but please be considerate of others and only take one.
Feel free to fish, catch bugs, write a bulletin message, wander around and talk to animals... basically whatever! All I ask is that you please not pick or trample flowers and not shake any bell trees. Thanks!

(oh yes and I don't need any tips/donations lol just come and hang).

Can I visit? ^-^
Hello! I’d love to come visit and get some inspiration for my town! Also I really need flowers! Teehee :)
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