Shop Clearing out my closet! || Trading fruit furniture and wreaths

I can get you this, just need time to make them

Peach chair
Wooden-block bookshelf
Wooden-block chair x2
hello! i can craft you some cherry speakers and trade you for a knitted-grass backpack :D !
Thanks! How much for everything?

Both orange furniture and refrigerator. You pay for the remaining piece what you think is worth, just getting familiar with prices and stuff.

Lemme check my dupe fossil and my missing.

Would like shark-tooth, megacero torso and dimetrodon skull. Would trade for Diplo skull, dimetrodon torso and phtalmo skull.
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I would love a few terrariums please! I can do IGBs or the few TBT I have lol
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sorry i'm not sure how pricing is for these items, so I apologize if this is lowballing. I have peach chairs and a pet bed and I was interested in a knitted backpack and a cherry blossom wand.
Hi! What color is your hamster cage? I'm looking for the pink one.

I am interested in:
Deinony Torso
Shark-tooth Pattern
Megacero Torso
Dimetrodon Skull

I have:
Brachio Skull
Dimetrodon Torso
Diplo Neck
Coffee cup, magazine, globe, bamboo partition, and bamboo floor lamp. What color is your refrigerator and what is a bamboo sopblock?
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Coffee cup, magazine, globe, bamboo partition, and bamboo floor lamp. What color is your refrigerator and what is a bamboo sopblock?

The refrigerator is sold already sorry!

Sorry it's a typo, I meant stopblock. Theres a picture here
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Anthurium plant, Tin bucket, Typewriter, Wall-mounted candle and orange end table (DIY) for 50k? :)
3 terrariums and a wall mounted candle for 60k?

Or, if you want to sell it to kaylee, 40k for the 3 terrariums and to catalog the wall mounted candle!
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