Auction Closed c:

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Bump, forty or some odd minutes left.
Would anyone object to me ending this early due to the lack of interest?
I know sansa would be estatic ;u; she's having a hard time rn ^^ maybe this would cheer her up, however hopefully maybe some more people will come bid c:
I know sansa would be estatic ;u; she's having a hard time rn ^^ maybe this would cheer her up, however hopefully maybe some more people will come bid c:

Yeahh, it's weird idk, I'm impatient and my town being at a standstill is so inconvenient especially since after this trade I can get my alt town moving again as well.
It is an odd time though, quite a bit of American kids are at school.

//Only reason I'm not cause stress :mad:
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It is an odd time though, quite a bit of American kids are at school.

True, but I started this yesterday, around the same time so had any shown interest they could have posted but not many people did, y'know?
I would really love to have Marshal. He would make my day. I am on my way in right now to visit the parents. I will keep an eye on this auction. I cannot pick him up until later if that is ok. We jst got a call saying we needed to come in.
I would really love to have Marshal. He would make my day. I am on my way in right now to visit the parents. I will keep an eye on this auction. I cannot pick him up until later if that is ok. We jst got a call saying we needed to come in.

Ahhhh, I need him out like, nowish.

so Marshal lost some fans? xD

Seems that way, or at least his fans have all acquired him.
If you need any help Sansa let me know I can take him in cycle town for you.
Closed :D
Sansa is the winner, congrats!! :D
I can hold him till 2:10pm est at the latest
Ok trying to find wifi. Thank ypu for the offer stina. Still have to get the bells to her somehow.

Sansa, I feel you are trustworthy so I am willing to let someone hold him for you c:
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