Shop [CLOSED] ~Cake's New Horizon's Shop/DIY Center~

Okay I apogize but my connection is being wonky right now so I may have to fufill orders tommarrow.

Each one is 100k each or the cost of it in NMT.
ooh okay sorry I read your post wrong then i'll switch it around then so 2 NMT for springy ride & then 200k IGB for both the pool & tea cup ride :)
Closed for tonight I'll try and get the orders that I can if my internet allows. Thanks~
Hi I am interested in the future tech wall, would you like to trade this for one of my extra Saharah walls/flooring?

I have the imperial wall, street art wall, construction site wall, chain link fence, dark chocolate flooring, construction site flooring, crosswalk flooring, scramble crosswalk, dirt flooring, and the sandlot flooring! :)
Username: Chipie05

In-game name & Town: Chipie, KittyKat

Items to catalog:
Aquamarine Diner : chair, sofa, counter table, counter chair, table
Purple Neon Sign
How much would you like to cat these 6 items?
Hi I am interested in the future tech wall, would you like to trade this for one of my extra Saharah walls/flooring?

I have the imperial wall, street art wall, construction site wall, chain link fence, dark chocolate flooring, construction site flooring, crosswalk flooring, scramble crosswalk, dirt flooring, and the sandlot flooring! :)

The streetart wall seems cool

Username: Chipie05

In-game name & Town: Chipie, KittyKat

Items to catalog:
Aquamarine Diner : chair, sofa, counter table, counter chair, table
Purple Neon Sign
How much would you like to cat these 6 items?
I'll do 10k to catalog them
I'll do 10k to catalog them
Great, whenever you are free, please pm your dodo :)
Username: brun2166

In-game name & Town: Kitty from Kiki tiki

Items ordered:
1 teacup ride
1 drink machine

Items to catalog:
Popcorn machine pink
Climbing wall Pink
Menu chalkboard
Sand castle
Candy machine Pink
Bathroom sink Brown

Items crafted:
Pickup/Dropoff: what ever is easier for you

Total: 210k bells
Username: Chipie05

In-game name & Town: Chipie from KittyKat

Items ordered:
Stacks of'Iron x2
Stacks of Hard wood x 2
Stacks of Young Spring Bamboo x2
Stacks of Soft Wood x2

Items to catalog:
Sand Castle
Expresso Maker white
Expresso Maker Grey

Items crafted:none

Total : 240k igb

Pickup/Dropoff: you can message me whenever you are ready im free all day
Username: Bloobloop

In-game name & Town: Emily, Seoul

Items to catalog: White cat tower, pink anthurium plant, pink automatic washer, paper lantern, globe, tankless toilet, white espresso maker

Pickup/Dropoff: Pickup, preferably

Total: 70k IGB

I'm free anywhere from 6pm - 4am PST
Last edited:
Username: akiradevida

In-game name & Town: Akira from Meruki

Items ordered:
- Springy Ride On
- Park Clock
- Tea Cup Ride
- 2x Drink Machine
- All your pink Hyacinths (10) let me know if you have more!

Pickup/Dropoff: Dropoff at my island ^^

Total: 650k
Username: -Zora-
Ign and town name: Zora,Warren
Items to catalog: tan/I think it may be called natural/ bathroom sink
Pickup dropoff: dropoff
Offer: 10k?
I would like to catalog the Brow antique Vanity, Bed and and Chair. Also the Fireplace. 10k bells each?
IGN Diana Island Themyscira

Added new orders and more stuff to my catologe.
I should be online today more, if you have an order shoot me a message when you're avaliable.
hey sorry for the trouble, can I remove the automatic washer and paper lantern for my cataloguing and replace it with a fan palm and gas range? the total should still be 70k
Username: Senshi

In-game name & Town: Becca From Parfait

Items ordered: Pink Chocolate Floor

Items to catalog: N/A

Items crafted: N/A

Pickup/Dropoff: Dropoff

Total: 15k
Username: mentali

In-game name & Town: cat from nibiru

Items to catalog:
anthurium plant light blue
cat grass black
cypress plant white
fan palm white
flashy flower sign pop
espresso maker gray
espresso maker white
humidifier blue
microscope white
microscope black

Pickup/Dropoff: pickup

Total: 100k
Username: Sela

In-game name & Town: Appledore

Items ordered: blue windflowers

Items to catalog:

Items crafted:

Pickup/Dropoff: whichever is better for you!

Cost— please let me know how many you have, and I’ll gather up the NMTs they would equal. I know they’re still growing, but wish I could claim some in advance!