Shop [CLOSED] ~Cake's New Horizon's Shop/DIY Center~

I hope i do this correctly... please validate my maths XD

Username: Yuuki
In-game name & Town: Joey, T-nation

Items ordered:

Items (Total 220k IGB)
  • Academic Painting - 100k IGB
  • Mom's handmade apron (fruit) x 1 - 60k IGB
  • Mom's handmade apron (colorful quilted) x 1 - 60k IGB
DIYs (Total 160k IGB)
  • Apple Chair
  • Orange rug
  • Orange wall clock
  • Peach umbrella
  • Matryoshka
  • Raccoon figure
  • Wall mounted log clock
  • Pond stone
Total: 5 NMTs (or 6 green mums + 3 black cosmos)
  • Springy Ride-on x 1
  • Lifeguard Chair x 1
  • Drink Machine x 1
  • Public Bench x 2
Items to catalog: N/A

Pickup/Dropoff: Pick-up

Total: 380k IGB + 5 NMTs (or the flowers, if you prefer)
i'd love to buy
4 of each of the hyacinths
4 orange & pink roses
2 pink mums
2 black tulips
if this is fine I will pay in nmt which comes out as 20 nmt
i'd love to buy
4 of each of the hyacinths
4 orange & pink roses
2 pink mums
2 black tulips
if this is fine I will pay in nmt which comes out as 20 nmt
Did you mean you want four pf each color of hyacinths or just the hybrid colors?
Username: MoogleKupo

In-game name & Town: Quinnie of Mochi

Items ordered:
*Decorations - Drink Machine
Phone box
(Not sure the price of these decorations together)

Shell arch * DIY
Wild log bench * DIY
40k for two DIY

Items to catalog:
Cute sofa
Diner sofa
poolside bed
Beach chair
espresso Machine
Rattan low table
Barbeque (yellow)
book stands

200k to keep? It says 10k to catalog but I would like to possibly keep the items if that works?

Pickup/Dropoff: Drop off

Total: 240K for the catalog and DIY, unsure of the decorations so perhaps 440k? Let me know, I'll pay whatever :)
Can you please specify what colors you want of each item? :) Also I'll charge 100k each for the drink machine and phone box, 200k is for the more expensive NM items.

Ah okay, I didn't think of the different color variations lol. The items that are on the site in different colors, such as the cute sofa or diner sofa, does that mean you could buy either one, or are they customizable to be a different color? I only ask because I've been playing about a month now and haven't purchased different color variations before, I discovered each island had different Nook mile variations so that sort of bites
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This might be a bit of a dumb question but I was just confused :p
Username: dreamytoon

In-game name & Town: Alex, Celestine

Items ordered: black streetlamps x5 (how much?)

Pickup/Dropoff: Pickup
Binksi from Tamago

If you still have them, I'd like:
Bamboo candle holder DIY and Wild log bench DIY (40k)​
Academic Painting (100k)​
Stone Stacks x2 (50K)​
Black Street Lamps x2 (400k for both?)​

So I think that's 590K in total. If you don't mind dropping off, I can DM you a code [:
I also have a green streetlamp i could trade
Oh no you're good! Yeah some items have different colors you can customize but I think *most* items from the shops you have to get the colors you want them in.

I sold the wild log DIY and painting but have the stones and street lamps!

I also have a green streetlamp i could trade
I'll take 2 black streetlamps if you want to trade for that, and pay in bells for the rest c: Each 100k, or 1 NMT.
Oh no you're good! Yeah some items have different colors you can customize but I think *most* items from the shops you have to get the colors you want them in.

I sold the wild log DIY and painting but have the stones and street lamps!

I'll take 2 black streetlamps if you want to trade for that, and pay in bells for the rest c: Each 100k, or 1 NMT.
That's fine, do you also still have the bamboo candle diy as well? Just let me know when you'd like to exchange (or if you'd rather come drop them in my town)
Username: kbelle4

In-game name & Town: Kandise from Foxglove

Items ordered:
  • Barrel DIY
  • Water Pump DIY
  • Timber Doorplate DIY
  • Matryoshka DIY

Items to catalog:
  • Black Popcorn Machine
  • White Gas Range
  • Mr. Flamingo (Pink)
  • Flower Mama Bear
  • Plaid Mama Bear
  • Sand Castle
  • Campfire Cookware
  • Black Typewriter
  • Sturdy Sewing Box
  • Plaid baby bear
Either island is fine

For DIYs: 80k
For Catalogue: pink ride on & black vending machine
Username: Meira

In-game name & Town:
Luna of Harlan
Items ordered:

construction site floor
Blackboard wall
kisses wall
stadium wall
80k IGB
We are [OPEN/CLOSED/On Break] right now. Thank you for stopping by~

Hey everyone. This my New Horizon’s stop and shop. Feel free to take a look at what I have to offer.

Right now I am currently interested in NMT (Nook Mile tickets) or IGB (In-game-Bells) or trading for Wishlist items.
No TBT (for now).


Please copy and paste this when placing an order.
This makes things go smoother for both of us~


In-game name & Town:

Items ordered:

Items to catalog:




I go by order of which orders are placed first and try to fulfill those first.

Some orders might take longer esp Nook Miles orders as I need to replenish tickets for that.

As I fulfill them I post ready for pickup/dropoff. I will like your post when I am ready to trade!

Message me when you're ready for them!


I will accept some wishlist items as payment or a 1:1 trade if the items are catalogable.

Nook Miles Colors I'm looking for:
*Black lighthouse
*Black snack machine
*Pink ride-on
*Brown ride-on
*Zebra ride-on

Wishlist at the bottom page:


These are the color variants of Nook miles items I have available in my town. Each are worth their cost in NMT or 100/300k each. I might be willing to trade 1:1 for the same item of a different color.
View attachment 246068

Here is my catalog with all different colors of items I have. If you just need to catalog the items it’ll be 10k per item (limit 10 items per order). If you want the items themselves make an offer.


20k each or 1 NMT for 2


Pink chocolate floor
Paintball floor
Sidewalk floor x2
Boxing ring mat
Ramshackle flooring
Racetrack floor
Circuit board floor
Constriction site floor
Highway floor
Field floor


Bank vault wall
Blackboard wall
Dark Chocolate wall
White chocolate wall
Kisses wall
Ruins wall
Chain link fence
Circuit board wall
Rock climbing wall
Tree lined wall
Exquisite wall
Industrial wall
Chain link fence
Western vista
Magma cavern wall
Office wall
Stadium wall
Straw wall

40K or 1NMT

Fish Umbrella
Anchor Statue
Fish rug
Fish wand

100K or 1 NMT OR 1:1 trade for real art I don't have yet!

Real Art:


60k or 1 NMT each

Mom's knapsack (fruit) x2
Mom's knapsack (colorful quilted) x3

Mom's handmade apron (fruit) x2
Mom's handmade apron (colorful quilted) x2

Mom’s Tissue box (denim)

15k each or 1 NMT for 4

Red lilies- seed packs (however many you need!)
Yellow lilies -seed packs
White lilies -seed packs

Red hyacinths - seed packs (however many you need!)
Yellow hyacinths - seed packs
White hyacinths -seed packs

Black lilies - 28
Orange Lilies - 14
Pink lilies - 24

Orange hyacinths - 27
Purple hyacinths - 10
Pink hyacinths - 25
Blue hyacinths - 30

Pink Roses - 18
Orange roses- 7
Purple roses -8

Blue Pansies - 15

Blue Windflowers - 21

Black Tulips - 18
Purple tulips - 4

Pink mums- 6

Oranges/Apples/Peaches - FREE stacks of 3 if you need them :)
D.I.Y. Center

Recipes are 35k each or 1 Nook miles tickets.

Any 2 recipes for 40k OR whishlist items!

***Please specify if you want the actual DIY recipie by adding DIY at the end of it ***

Apple rug
Apple hat
Orange Umbrella
Orange end table
Peach hat
Peach rug
Peach dress
Pear rug
Cherry Speakers x3
Palm tree lamp

Knitted Bamboo Knapsack
Bamboo wand
Bamboo floor lamp
Bamboo stopblock
Bamboo candleholder
Leaf mask
Leaf umbrella
Hanging terrarium

Small cardboard boxes
Gold bars
Golden Arowana Statue
Wooden full length mirror
Wooden simple bed
Wooden chair
Wooden table
Wooden block chest
Wooden block table
Natural square table
Bone doorplate x2
Timber doorplate
Deer decoration x2

Raccoon figure

Cabin wall
Wildwood wall
Wooden knot wall
Honeycomb wall
Basement flooring
Sandy beach flooring

Shell arch
Water pump x3
Log garden lounge
Log xl sofa
Log stool
Wild log bench
Zen style stone


(This) is the amount they stack to and the number is how many stacks I have.
Regular materials are 25k a stack. Seasonal items are 40k.

Wood stacks (30) - Restocking!
Hard wood stacks (30) - 4
Soft wood stacks (30) - 6

Iron stacks (30) - Restocking!
Clay Stacks (30) - 4
Stones (30) - 2
Bamboo (30)- 4

Giant clams (10) - 1
Sand dollars (10) -2
Coral (10) -1


Young spring Bamboo (30) - 4
Aries Fragments - 13
Stone Egg -30
Water Egg - 29
Wood Egg - 60
Earth Egg - 22
Leaf Egg- 60
Sky Egg -30
Pending Orders

! I will post pending orders here! If I have too many orders pending I might temporally close to catch up~


10. Username: patchy

In-game name & Town: tamago

Items ordered:
Pink drink machine
cotton candy machine
white park clock
teacup ride

Pickup/Dropoff: pickup

black drink machine
pink cotton candy machine
black park clock
bold color teacup ride

!Ready for pickup!

12. Username: Sami

In-game name & Town: Sami and Xenia

Items to catalog:

Papa bear (either color)
Diner dining table
Soft serve lamp
Candy machine
Diner sofa
Neon sign
Menu chalkboard
Garden lantern

Pickup/Dropoff: Pickup

Total: 60k igb

!Ready for Pickup!

13. Username: LowJoziah

In-game name & Town: Joziah & Cazo

Items ordered: Anchor Statue

Total: 40k IGB

!Ready for Pickup!

14. user: Squid

town: Fruitpunch

alto sax
all of your plants you have to offer
serving cart
rattan table lamp
mama bear
pick up/drop off: drop off

total: 4 nmt

!Ready for dropoff!

Username: BLueCherry

In-game name & Town: cherry nemp's

Items to catalog:
street organ
water cooler
campfire cookware
red plastic container
magnetic knife rack
heart doorplate

Pickup/Dropoff: Pickup

Total: 60k


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Username: Hawt daddi

In-game name & Town: Hawt Daddi

Items ordered: n/a

Items to catalog: treadmill // champion pennant // colorful wheel // foosball table // flashy flower sign // wall mounted 50 inch lcd // black amp //

Pickup/Dropoff: drop off

Total: IGN - 80k IGB or 5 NMT. Whichever you prefer. Thank you.
Last edited:
Username: dreamytoon

In-game name & Town: Alex, Celestine

Items ordered: black streetlamps x5

Pickup/Dropoff: Pickup

Okay so 5 NMT for 5 black streetlamps please. I dont know where my green streetlamps are so ill just pay with nmt xD
Username: bloobloop

In-game name & Town: Emily from Seoul

Items ordered: pink snack machine x5 and fish umbrella

Pickup/Dropoff: Pickup

Total: i can offer a black lighthouse in exchange! + 40k IGB
Username: usa-chan
In-game name & Town: dalia from ceto bay
Items ordered: treadmill, black fragrance sticks, black imperial decorative shelves, honeycomb wall diy, shell arch diy
Pickup/Dropoff: drop off
Total: 190k igb