Celeste *CLOSED* Celeste & Potential Shooting Stars

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Violet Witch

☽Stay Wild Moon Child☾
Jan 17, 2021
Fortune Cookie
Caustic Crystal
Black Famous Mushroom
Opalescent Crystal
Famous Mushroom
Rose Crystal
Red Star Fragment
Pink Moon Jellyfish
Green Moon Jellyfish
Blue Moon Jellyfish
100% (44) +
Celeste is currently on my island, no shooting stars as of yet but anyone is welcome to visit.

Feel free to shop, pick fruits and smash rocks etc. All I ask is for any flowers in fenced areas to remain untouched as I’m attempting to breed hybrids.

No fees, so feel free to come over as my gate will be open for the next hour.
I'd love to come over and visit, please! Celeste won't give me the DIYs I need...
I would love to see my lovely star bird. Coming as Jeffu of Pokki!
Okay to visit? Plus would you like your flowers watered the more visiters who water them the better the results are
Thanks to those who have visited, apologies for it looking like a barren wasteland still. It’s a rather long work in progress. 🙈
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