"sugarsugarsugar" Merengue mumbled as she dashed off to see the two people. She waved as she arrived. "Ponyaaaan! I'm Merengue Ichigo! But you can call me Merengue! Or Ichigo! Or Merengue Ichigo! Or or....Michigo! Oooh! Or Merri! Yeah! Call me Merri, ponyaaaan!! I'm the princess of Candy Land! My kingdom is from over therrrrrre" She pointed past the Lolipop forest and into the Mirror Mountains. "To therrrre!"" She pointed at Cinder Toffee Cliffs. "I magikeried you here! I went magikary dikary dock, the sugar mouse went up the Lolipop Clock and Boom! You were here! Ponyaaaaaan!!!!" As she was making her speech, she was waving a 'Magikal' wand in the shape of a pink whisk.