[CLOSED] Escaping Candyland Roleplay

"sugarsugarsugar" Merengue mumbled as she dashed off to see the two people. She waved as she arrived. "Ponyaaaan! I'm Merengue Ichigo! But you can call me Merengue! Or Ichigo! Or Merengue Ichigo! Or or....Michigo! Oooh! Or Merri! Yeah! Call me Merri, ponyaaaan!! I'm the princess of Candy Land! My kingdom is from over therrrrrre" She pointed past the Lolipop forest and into the Mirror Mountains. "To therrrre!"" She pointed at Cinder Toffee Cliffs. "I magikeried you here! I went magikary dikary dock, the sugar mouse went up the Lolipop Clock and Boom! You were here! Ponyaaaaaan!!!!" As she was making her speech, she was waving a 'Magikal' wand in the shape of a pink whisk.
Bubble hugged Merengue and said "Someone that gets me!" they both skipped off annoying Sundae the whole time.
"So, ponyan, can you guys do magikary?" She asked, skipping along.
'Nope!' Sundae said, laughing at Merangue. 'Can you teach me?' She asked, twirling along like a pink fluffy spinning top,
I drowsily opened my green eyes, bright colors instantly filling my vision. "Dang... Where the heck am I?" I grumbled, pushing my white hair away from my eyes. Looking around, I could see that I was on the bank of a chocolate river. "Candy...?"
[ill try but I have shoddy connection!)
She then realised that there were others. "Bee Are Beee!!!" She told them, and magikeried off.
She appeared infront of Rin and subsequently went through her introduction speech.
I stared up at the girl as if she was mad. "Um... I'm Rin White... A-are you on pills or something?" I asked coldly, raising an eyebrow.
"No! This is Candy Land! The world of fun and smiles! Come with me, to BonBon Castle!"
She magikeried everyone to the castle.
Upon teleporting, I hunched over, my stomach chenching. "Ach... I-I have motion sickness! Don't do that again!" I growled, standing up once I steadied myself. "And I hate candy..." I grumbled, glaring at the strange girl.
Merengue began to cry "You don't like candy??? Not even licorice???"
"What's wrong? Is black not your forte?" I smirked, walking towards her so my mouth was right by her hair. "How did you know the only sweet I like is liquorice?"
While the other two were bickering over liquorice Sundae quietly walked up the castles stairs. The palace was so big and bright! Sundae figured that Merangue wouldn't mind her having a little explore! She ran down the corridor noticing all the doors were a rich shade of chocolate with candy cane frames. She also realised she actually should NOT under any circumstances snooping around a castle when the owner didn't know! She skipped downstairs slowly and silently. Realising her dress had got pretty mucky while she was running along around CandyLand. Noticing Merangue in the sitting area she asked 'Hey! I-I'm not meaning to be rude, but do you have any spare clothes I could borrow? My dress is impractical and kinda ruined...'