The Pennifer

💙 Bye, Lulu 💙
Mar 3, 2014
Sautéed Mushrooms
Fair Pinwheel
Sweet Heart Balloon
Final Boss Balloon
Black Feather
Blue Heart Balloon
Hot Heart Balloon
Cool Heart Balloon
Sweet Heart Balloon
Rad Heart Balloon
100% (749) +

Did you have your heart set on this awesome Collectible!?
But did not or could not acquire it!?

Here’s another chance at it!
Just throwing up a quick contest -

Prize: A three piece Oarfish Collectible Set (Head, Body and Tail)

You may do what you like with it if you win - treasure and keep the whole set, sell piece by piece or trade with it)

Enter daily once by doing one of the following:

  1. Posting a picture of a real life oarfish (google images are fine)
  2. Write a haiku or limerick about the oarfish
  3. Convince me with a short paragraph (a line or two) as to why I should award the prize to you

Also include “OARFISH” in your entry post to qualify
I’ll run the contest from date and time of posting now September 5 2021 until midnight Thursday, September 9th 2021… (my time which is Pacific standard time)

Please note that I will choose the winning entry solely on personal preference.
Also, the three piece set is not the one displayed in my sidebar 😀

*I will also be awarding three mystery consolation prizes*

So if you enter each day you will have at least three chances to convince me that I ought to choose you!

Have fun!!
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Thanks for hosting the giveaway! I'm not entering, as I want someone who missed out on it to get it, but I always appreciate it when people do something kind.
Thanks for hosting the giveaway! I'm not entering, as I want someone who missed out on it to get it, but I always appreciate it when people do something kind.
Thanks for the sweet words, but, Please feel free to enter because if you win you could gift it to someone of your choice
The contest is open to everybody, all of my friends! ❤️
Thanks for hosting the giveaway, it’s really kind of you! This seems like a fun one to take part in so I’ll give it a go, here’s my haiku;


friend of fellow fish,
only eats little plankton,
or tiny mod heads
I would love to win a three piece OARFISH, as I though it's funny to say that I'm the "head", my (not yet born) baby is the "middle" and my fiancé is the "tail". Also I would throw the oarfish pieces I currently have into the pricepool of my own contest, that will end one day after yours!
There was an OARFISH who wished to be free,
To marvel at all worldly sights to see!
After years of much travel,
it settled down in a lake surrounded by highlands and gravel.

That's how Loch Ness Monster came to be!

Lol! Such a creative giveaway. Pen! I chose to do a limerick about THIS particular OARFISH!

Camp bell tree gave us a new task.
Playing Oarfish, it goes really fast,
But you’ve got to eat mods,
To lengthen that bod.
Let’s see how long we can last!
this is so generous of you to do, pen! i’ve never written a haiku about an oarfish before, but here goes nothing lol;

oarfish in the sea
after seeing its long form,
i am terrified
Oh no! Why do I set these impossibly difficult tasks for myself to do!?
All your entries so far are amazing and it’s going to be incredibly hard to pick a winner!!
Thanks so much for this OARFISH giveaway!
Somehow despite playing the fishing game daily, I was one of the unlucky ones who ended up with absolutely no oarfish pieces at all! So it would be awfully nice to win this set:D
Thank you everyone for your awesome entries!! I am loving them all and seriously worried how I will be able to choose!!
A famous old fable from the Folk of the Bell Tree:
Justin was invited to dinner by an oarfish
the fish said: "Nehmen Sie bitte Platz am Tisch!"
that's German for "Please take a seat at the table!"
the fish followed up with: "Kids, remember this fable!"
and proceeded to eat Justin in a swish.

Too bad most people nowadays seem to have forgotten about it!!

Thank you for the OARFISH giveaway! 🤩
The OARFISH who lived in Loch Ness
got bored and learned how to play chess
It was looking for a friend
To play games and pretend
Who it could invite to its brand new address



Here’s my entry for day 2! This is a sequel to my first limerick ^.^ will this lonely oarfish find friends and live happily ever after? Maybe tomorrow’s limerick will reveal it 👀
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