Well what can I say. So far everytime ive tried to restart the ROG no-one replies or does anything. So lets see if this works. Welcome to Jasons Followers of the Red Ogre Mask. We are an animal crossing group but we will also have tournaments on Brawl and Mario Kart. We will wear either hockey masks or a red ogre mask (up to you which). We will have contests like fruit eating and fish or bug tourneys. The one thing i dislike about when people join groups is they then do nothing. So instead of just letting you in you must fill out a form saying your timezone and your friend code and also why you think you should be let in the group. Once we have a few members i will pick out a co-leader on who wants to be one and who i think would make a good one.If you want to represent us in the BAttle of the TBT Groups then post here.
I have split the first four members into teams. They are all leaders of the teams. This way we can have an olympic style games event. Not every event is like this though.
<big>How to join</big>
Fill out this form if you wish to join
We have a few simple rules to follow:
Do not swear
You must be kind, mature and friendly
Follow town rules
Respect the whole of TBT, not just us
You must be active, no activity for two weeks will result in being kicked out unless i know about it.
If you break any of these rules you will be kicked out.
1.tazaza Leader, Event Organizer, Team red
2.AC_Spain Team Blue
3.AnimalCrossingWhisperer Team Purple
4. cazaza Team Gold
I will host an event sometime in the near future. I don't know exactly when it will be yet though so keep watch.
Well what can I say. So far everytime ive tried to restart the ROG no-one replies or does anything. So lets see if this works. Welcome to Jasons Followers of the Red Ogre Mask. We are an animal crossing group but we will also have tournaments on Brawl and Mario Kart. We will wear either hockey masks or a red ogre mask (up to you which). We will have contests like fruit eating and fish or bug tourneys. The one thing i dislike about when people join groups is they then do nothing. So instead of just letting you in you must fill out a form saying your timezone and your friend code and also why you think you should be let in the group. Once we have a few members i will pick out a co-leader on who wants to be one and who i think would make a good one.If you want to represent us in the BAttle of the TBT Groups then post here.
I have split the first four members into teams. They are all leaders of the teams. This way we can have an olympic style games event. Not every event is like this though.
<big>How to join</big>
Fill out this form if you wish to join
TBT Name:
AC Name:
AC Town
AC Friend Code:
Time Zone:
Why you think you should join the group:
We have a few simple rules to follow:
Do not swear
You must be kind, mature and friendly
Follow town rules
Respect the whole of TBT, not just us
You must be active, no activity for two weeks will result in being kicked out unless i know about it.
If you break any of these rules you will be kicked out.
1.tazaza Leader, Event Organizer, Team red
2.AC_Spain Team Blue
3.AnimalCrossingWhisperer Team Purple
4. cazaza Team Gold
I will host an event sometime in the near future. I don't know exactly when it will be yet though so keep watch.