Giveaway CLOSED - Giving Away DIYS & Recipes

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Bump. All of my newer items have dates beside them in the first post of this thread. I'm not really sure which ones are rare enough to mention specifically.
im interested in the following diys and recipes. you can come to my island to drop off. let me know when you are available.

Champinones al ajillo
Fruit-topped pancakes
Gnocchi di zucca
Modern wood wall
Orange rug
Peach jelly
Pumpkin cupcakes
Stacked-wood wall
Stone table
Vine crown
Wooden-block bed
Wooden bucket
Wooden chair
Wooden double bed
Wooden end table
Wooden-mosaic wall
im interested in the following diys and recipes. you can come to my island to drop off. let me know when you are available.

Champinones al ajillo
Fruit-topped pancakes
Gnocchi di zucca
Modern wood wall
Orange rug
Peach jelly
Pumpkin cupcakes
Stacked-wood wall
Stone table
Vine crown
Wooden-block bed
Wooden bucket
Wooden chair
Wooden double bed
Wooden end table
Wooden-mosaic wall
I'm available now. I'll start getting the items out of storage while you send me the Dodo code.

Edit: I'll need to go to bed soon. I should be available on and off throughout the weekend.

Edit 2: I'm available again.
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im interested in the following diys and recipes. you can come to my island to drop off. let me know when you are available.

Champinones al ajillo
Fruit-topped pancakes
Gnocchi di zucca
Modern wood wall
Orange rug
Peach jelly
Pumpkin cupcakes
Stacked-wood wall
Stone table
Vine crown
Wooden-block bed
Wooden bucket
Wooden chair
Wooden double bed
Wooden end table
Wooden-mosaic wall
I haven't heard from you so I'll mark your items as reserved on the list for now.
3/9/24 Note: Apparently, this site is having an issue with Microsoft-based email addresses so I had to switch to an email address I don't use any mmore just to use the forums. Sorry if I miss any messages in this thread. I'll try to check it more often.

I'm trying to make more room in my storage so I thought I'd give away my extra DIYs and recipes to anyone who's interested. If you're interested, let me know which ones you want and whether you want to come to my island or for me to go to yours.

Generally, I'm available on weekends and after work EST on weekdays with the exact times varying depending on what comes up. I'm allowing reservations of DIYs and recipes with the understanding that we'll be able to find a time over the weekend that works for both parties. If someone reserves an item, and I don't hear from them by Monday morning, I'll remove the reservation so that the item is free again.

  • Apple chair
  • Bamboo floor lamp - added 4/17/24
  • Beekeeper's hive
  • Birdbath
  • Bone doorplate
  • Box-shaped seat - added 4/19/24
  • Cake sale
  • Cardboard bed
  • Cardboard chair
  • Cardboard table
  • Deer scare - added 4/17/24
  • Forbidden altar
  • Foxtail - added 4/23/24
  • French fries - added 4/21/24
  • Fruit-topped pancakes - added 4/21/24
  • Glowing-moss flooring
  • Golden altar
  • Golden bathtub
  • Golden casket
  • Golden dishes
  • Golden garden bunny - added 4/19/24
  • Golden plate armor
  • Golden seat
  • Golden toilet
  • Grass skirt
  • Grass standee
  • Hedge standee
  • Jungle wall
  • Kettle bathtub - added 4/19/24
  • Knitted-grass backpack
  • Large cardboard boxes
  • Log stakes
  • Log wall-mounted clock - added 4/23/24
  • Magazine rack
  • Medium cardboard boxes
  • Money flooring
  • Mushroom pizza - added 4/21/24
  • Oil-barrel bathtub - added 4/17/24
  • Orange end table - added 4/23/24
  • Pear wall
  • Pile of cardboard boxes
  • Pond stone
  • Pound cake - added 4/21/24
  • Pumpking cupcakes - added 4/20/24
  • Ruined decorated pillar
  • Ruined seat
  • Signpost
  • Small cardboard boxes
  • Stacked shopping baskets - added 4/21/24
  • Steel-frame wall
  • Tiny library
  • Tomato juice - added 4/23/24
  • Water pump
  • Woven-vines hat - added 4/19/24
WOW, it looks like I have close to a hundred fifty extra DIYs and recipes. Anyone want to take some of these off my hands, please?
Can you give me the forbidden altar if you still have it?
Can you give me the forbidden altar if you still have it?
Sure! I don't have a lot of time right now so can I just drop it off on your island?

Edit: I have to step away for a bit now. I'll edit this post again when I'm back. If our schedules don't match up tonight, then I'll mark the forbidden altar DIY as reserved for you.

Edit 2: Ok, I should be around for about half an hour before I have to step away again.
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Sure! I don't have a lot of time right now so can I just drop it off on your island?

Edit: I have to step away for a bit now. I'll edit this post again when I'm back. If our schedules don't match up tonight, then I'll mark the forbidden altar DIY as reserved for you.

Edit 2: Ok, I should be around for about half an hour before I have to step away again.
I'mma get my switch it's 2YC49
im interested in the following diys and recipes. you can come to my island to drop off. let me know when you are available.

Baked potatos
Basement flooring
Box-shaped seat
French fries
Fruit-topped pancakes
Log wall-mounted clock
Mushroom pizza
Pound cake
Pumpkin cupcakes
Tomato juice
im interested in the following diys and recipes. you can come to my island to drop off. let me know when you are available.

Baked potatos
Basement flooring
Box-shaped seat
French fries
Fruit-topped pancakes
Log wall-mounted clock
Mushroom pizza
Pound cake
Pumpkin cupcakes
Tomato juice
I should be available for the next maybe 15-20 minutes tonight and then about 7:20 tomorrow morning? I'll also be available after work tomorrow evening.
im interested in the following diys and recipes. you can come to my island to drop off. let me know when you are available.

Apple jelly
Bamboo floor lamp
Cool hyacinth crown
Iron frame
Mixed-fruits crepe
Pansy crown
Hi! I'd like any of the following DIYs, depending on what's still available:
grass standee
hedge standee
kettle bathtub
large cardboard boxes
medium cardboard boxes
small cardboard boxes
magazine rack
pond stone
ruined decorated pillar
tiny library
Hi! I'd like any of the following DIYs, depending on what's still available:
grass standee
hedge standee
kettle bathtub
large cardboard boxes
medium cardboard boxes
small cardboard boxes
magazine rack
pond stone
ruined decorated pillar
tiny library
Anything listed should still be available. Did you want to pick them up from my island or have me drop them off at yours? I'd offer to let you visit my shops, but they're closed for the day.
Anything listed should still be available. Did you want to pick them up from my island or have me drop them off at yours? I'd offer to let you visit my shops, but they're closed for the day.
I can pick them up if it's easier for you! Totally okay with your shops being closed though, the DIYs are more than enough.
im interested in the following diys and recipes. you can come to my island to drop off. let me know when you are available.

Cherry-blossom-trees wall
Fruit-topped pancakes
Plain cupcakes
Spaghetti napolitan
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