Forgot to ask earlier, does he still have original everything? Phrase, shirt, furniture.
Sure ^.^ He's been in boxes for two days now, he can go a little longerNot to sound silly, Would you be able to hold him for a little (If I win) I'm trying to get Lolly to boxes right now.
I've been quite friendly to her so I shouldn't take too long.
Naw, If I can't get her out within Half an hour I'll get her out while you're away.Okay ^^ I'll be online for the next 30 min ^^ Then I need to go to bed. Hope you can get her out by then ^^
Naw, If I can't get her out within Half an hour I'll get her out while you're away.
I mean if you'll still have him in boxes tomorrow It'll be fine ;n;
I'm GMT Timezone >w<