Hey got Mac today thanks! Is the trade for Fauna still on?
I'm not sure which cards you want for Kitty, I'd prefer to offer Chadder or Biskit if that's okay, and Maple for Fauna?
Edit: I can do all three if you're interested.
Just waiting to receive Shari, then we can do more trades ^_^ Feel free to leave me a rating based off of how the card was packaged/arrived in the meanwhile! Thanks
- - - Post Merge - - -
Hey! Just to let you know, there is an order format that you needed to follow if you had read the first post. Also, unfortunately, your account is very new and I only feel comfortable trading with people who have ratings and older established accounts. I'm sorry.
My mistake! And no problemo. I have been trading on Reddit for a while, but maybe I'll just get back to you once my account isn't so new. thanks anyway!
My Cherry and Chester for your Pekoe and Papi?
Hi! Sorry, I'm actually only trading Pekoe for my top priority cards, found under the "All you need to know!" section.
Okay, well I'd still do Cherry for Papi? Chester I'd do for Yuka since I have. So many. Dang. Chesters. And if you need any other dupes out of my thread, let me know! http://www.belltreeforums.com/showthread.php?404828-H-Series-1-3-W-Series-1-4-and-WA-Upd-1-21 Just none with a * (except Chester) since I'd want to trade those for 2 lower tier'd cards (and one is reserved for a specific card). I'd also be interested in WA Vivian (or WA Plucky, but I'd prefer Vivian) if you can find a couple more you need.
I'm hoping to trade Vivian for some top priority cards, or for WA Dobie. I can do Plucky, but my rate for WA cards are 2 regular series 1-4 cards for one WA card (if you don't have any WA cards to trade). Is that alright with you?
If you can find 2 other cards you need from my thread, sure. What about Cherry and Chester for Yuka and Papi?