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199 c:
my least favourite villager is Tia because in new leaf she plonked her house 2 spaces right in front of mine and I still haven't gotten over it :mad:
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How do you camp reset?
You move day by day until Isabelle says you have a camper, then check the camp. From what I've seen, personalities you do not have seem to pop up more. I did not have a smug and over half the campers I saw were smug.
Thank you for doing this!

My least favorite villager I've run into so far has been Pompom... She moved in, taking the spot I had built for island hopping for a dreamie (before I knew the proper order of things). It looks like she's wearing a wig and it really weirds me out! Why does she need hair?? To top it off, I apparently picked her up from another person I traded with (via the void), and once she left my town I accidentally gave her to my friend! She's like a curse!