Selling [CLOSED; ORDERS DONE 2/20!] ♥ Find your treasure!♥ Silver Rod, Toy Hammer, + Catalog!

Hiya! May I get the following?:

Aries Rocking Chair
Editors Desk
Teacup ride

for 5 tbt?
Can i get the Coffee cup?

- - - Post Merge - - -

in the morning though im tired

I am actually closing shop for a bit tonight because I have some personal affairs to tend to, but I still want to bring you the cup as soon as possible!

- - - Post Merge - - -

Hello! I'm interested in :
Rainbow Screen x 3
Dessert Case
Massive Cake

Sounds super cute! :D
Your total is 6 tbt. I'll send you an order receipt in just a moment!
Thanks! Should I send the TBTs after you send the receipt?
Most do send it after the receipt, but I know I'm personally pretty cautious, so I don't mind when people send the payment after the delivery. I know in some instances I may do the same. :)
(Plus, I trust that no one wants anything but 100% rating so this forum in particular is pretty trustworthy :p )
I can transfer the bells now. Since the shop seems to be closed now, just message me to let me know when you're ready to deliver :)
I can transfer the bells now. Since the shop seems to be closed now, just message me to let me know when you're ready to deliver :)

@blushingunicorn Ah, I'm just prepping to do some chores and complete some super duper important irl stuff! I completed all the orders (except Froggy's, but I won't forget!) before closing shop. :)

Anyone who would like to order can do so, but do note it will be completed and delivered TOMORROW. No more deliveries will be met tonight. Thank you for understanding~!
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