hot damn
Let me guess, fuglyneki headshot?
OSHIII ----- //excuses self outta thread
(kinda wanna try to art him, but then i'd butcher him. poor boy has suffered enough already)
Headshots or full body?
Also, due to large quantities of orders, I will not be moving the wating list slots until all my current slots are completed. Sorry!
Oh sure! that would be fantastic, it sounds really cute too so go right ahead~ <3You can pay before or after, and yes, you can tip!
Would you like 3 versions, Suzuya, Haise, and a version where they are looking at each other?
Also, I'm not good at side views but I can try doing on test side view and one where they are facing forward but eyes are looking at each other?
I can certainly try Ghoul eye, but I can't guarantee it will look perfect as I haven't tried one before!
This will be completed as soon as I get home!
Also, would you like me to surprise Prahba with it in a PM?
Okie dokie!~ just make sure to tell me when you get around to it, I'm really excited. <3KK, I probably won't do it today because of Pikachu POKEMANS xD
Yeah, I'll get round to that.
No drawing until tomorrow, I'm kinda tired!
But of course!~ It's adorable! <3Lolipup, I've done the first half, waiting for confirmation on if it is ok for me to continue~