(Closed) The Looking For Thread (New Horizons Edition)

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Anybody wanna put me out of my mystery island hopping miseryo_O I‘ve used 406 nook miles tickets so far......send help:cry:
My face hurts, 5 days, lost count of NMT’s used and still no Raymond. Someone, anyone, please have mercy :cry:
If anyone has Lolly, Diana, Tia, Sprinkle, Cheri, Poppy, Maple, Daisy, etc. in boxes please let me know! I can offer, NMT, bells, or even a little TBT depending on who you have! I can pickup tonight or tomorrow.
I am seeking Molly. Let me know if you have her leaving your island! I can pay in bells or art.
I'm looking for a Francine to go with my Chrissy! I'm not mega rich , I can only give about 20 NMT or a few hundred bells :/
Let me know if you have her, I'm willing to TT to free a plot whenever.
I'm looking for both Cookie and Kiki if anyone has them! 😊 I have an open spot today and I can pay in NMT!

EDIT: I have gotten Cookie now!
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Recently made my second island, and I'm wanting to recreate my all-bunny town from New Leaf...so I'm currently hunting for Ruby, Genji, and Bunnie. Can offer IGB and/or a lot of craftable items, plus some cataloguing.

Only thing is you'd have to let me log onto my main island to get the stuff first...the other one is still severely lacking.
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Fang ASAP. I got an open slot rn and I'm looking to get it filled before it auto fills. If you have an ungifted Fang please hmu!
I have Hans in boxes if anyone wants him.

Message me if you want Hans 😊

P.s Not selling Hans, just giving him away.
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Still looking for Genji, Ruby, and/or Bunnie...still have one unsold plot of land left and I really wanna fill it with a perma-villager.
I see this was like a week ago but are you still looking for Tammy? She asked to move today so she will be in boxes tomorrow.
I am! I just have to time travel to get someone to move out first

Oh also lmk what you’d like for her
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I am! I just have to time travel to get someone to move out first

Oh also lmk what you’d like for her
I don't need anything for her! Just let me know when you have a plot open and I'll send you a dodo code to come see her :)
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