Hi everyone! I just started playing AC a few weeks ago, I've just decided who my dreamies are and I was wondering if someone could give me a hand : D
I'm looking for Rolf, Hopper, Ruby, Felicity, Butch, Chevre, Roald and Genji!
I recently reset my town and am now looking for ALL DREAMIES in the signature below! I'm willing to pay IGB for them, and while I'd also be able to do BTB, I'm dirt poor in that regard and would need a lower price or time to earn enough to pay you. Much thanks to everyone who helps out
Hi! I'm still looking for Henry, Tammy, Dora and Joey to complete my forest.
I can offer Ig or BT bells as well as Axel, Butch or Tucker. (Or Marcie, Ozzie, Monique, Avery, Lionel, Carmen and Klaus from my second town.)
Pm me if you have one of these guys moving and want to trade