Hi !
I'm looking for Chester, he is probably one of my favorite villagers ever ~_~.
I don't have much to offer, i've only joined the more "technical" side of Acnl not long ago, but if you have Chester then maybe i can find something that you like !
Looking for Marina, Cherry, and Diana. I dont have any villagers to offer but i have bells or hybrids including blue and gold roses. i also have some furniture sets, sloppy, princess, rococco, please let me know!
I'm willing to buy or trade for Tiffany, Genji, Chief and Marshall (at reasonable prices!). I'm trying to get some of my villagers to move out, mainly Ruby, Bree and Hamphrey but I'll keep people posted ^_^
This is a long shot but I'm looking for Ankha. She was in my second town and I planned on moving her to my main but she unexpectedly moved. Please PM me if you would like to trade or sell her. I also have several villagers I'd be willing to trade!