(Closed) The Official Looking for/Trading/Buying Thread

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Looking for Gloria, Queenie, Robin, or Yuka

Can offer in game bells, items/hybrids, villagers from my cycling thread or art (like in my sig. or avatar), not offering tbt though.

Still looking, will have a 100% original Stitches to offer (he's not in boxes yet, but will be soon)
Looking for Julian, Beau, Diana, Fang. Will pay in TBT, Zucker, and possibly a villager I may have.
/!\ Long list /!\
Looking for one of these villagers:
Jeremiah, Lily, Gayle, Bianca, Pippy, Rosie, Ruby, Wendy, Aurora, Filbert, Hugh, Bill.

Found one! I might open a free cycle thread, too, if anybody's interested ^^
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Desperately looking for Fang to replace my lost Chief.
Looking For:

these are the last of my dreamies please anyone let me know if you have them and what price you would need me to pay :)
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Looking for: Diana, Erik, Gaston, Peanut, Merengue, Wendy, Apple
Willing to pay with bells and with my villagers: Claudia, Carmen, Elmer, Bianca, Caroline, Francie, Sterling.
Currently looking for one of the following:
Fauna, Marshal, Drago, Phoebe, Kyle, O'Hare, Hamlet, Pierce, Mathilda, Yuka or Friga.

Currently I have:
11 tbt bells
2.6 million igb bells
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