(Closed) The Official Looking for/Trading/Buying Thread

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Hey guys! I'm desperately looking for Chrissy for my friend! Just name your price and I'm willing to work with you on it! Please PM me :D
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hi! i'm looking for Astrid and Molly before i leave to go on a short vaccination. i don't have much tbt anymore but i have TON of igb. name your price!i'm hoping to get these two before Sunday (when i leave)
Lf: An Original Beau~

Paying in BTB (name your price)! (I can do IGB also, but BTB is so much easier.)

PM me if you have him ready to go!
hi! i'm looking for Astrid and Molly before i leave to go on a short vaccination. i don't have much tbt anymore but i have TON of igb. name your price!i'm hoping to get these two before Sunday (when i leave)
I need Pietro or Carmen!! If you are selling one of those villagers please PM me!
Still looking for Diana for a friend!!

I also have Whitney in boxes. PM or post on my thread to offer. :)
Looking for a smug villager that isn't Chadder, Kidd or Zell (who are all in 16-villager purgatory). Phil would be preferable, as would Keaton or Lucha.
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