(Closed) The Official Looking for/Trading/Buying Thread

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Looking for Apple, Flurry, Hamlet, Cheri, Felicity, Flora!, Lolly, Mint, Mallary, Megumi, Merry, Miranda, Peanut, Rocket or Rosie. I have a space in my town, please let me know if you want rid on any of those!
Looking for -
Hamphrey, Apply, Lily, Hamlet, Melba, Eunice

I can offer lots of IGB!
Thanks :)
Looking for goldie- my all time favourite, I'm in england and all of the people in other time zones give her away whilst i'm sleeping :( can offer 500k and some black roses? around 6 of them, please pm me x
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Lookig for Fauna! Both of my towns are full now so I can't take anyone in boxes :( Offering up to 8 mil IGB or 300 TBT!
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Looking for Portia or Pecan as well as Static, Roscoe, or Bones. I have a free spot right now. Can pay in tbt, igb, or wishlist items~
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