(Closed) The Official Looking for/Trading/Buying Thread

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I'm looking for Caroline!
Send me a message if you have her.
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Currently looking for Jacques... He's adorable and I'm in love haha ^^ I'd be more willing to trade him for non-IGB.
Looking for one of the following: Lucky, Cole, Cyrano, Molly, Annabelle, Coco or Lily. Please PM me if you have any of them and you want to get rid of them. Thanks :)
I'm still looking for any of the following: Lucky, Cole, Cyrano, Molly, Annabelle, Coco or Lily. Please PM me if you have any of them and you want to get rid of them. Thanks
Hey guys!

This is just another reminder that this is a thread meant for looking for posts, not for selling your villagers or setting up trades. Please remember to PM or VM a user if you have the villager they're looking for rather than posting here, and create a new thread in the VTP in order to sell or cycle your villagers.

Thank you. :)
I'm still looking for Roscoe. I'm willing to pay in items, hybrids, tbt or igb. PM or VM me if you have him in boxes preferably with your offer.
Currently looking for a wolf villager going by the name of Skye! If you have her, PM me that you have her and the price you would sell her for.
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