(Closed) The Official Looking for/Trading/Buying Thread

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Actually looking for the following Mice: Broccolo, Greta, and Rizzo. PM if you have any! I would love to make a deal :3 Can offer Marshal (he's not in boxes but when he is...)
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Looking for my favorite villagers:
- Penelope
- Prince
- Tammy

Can pay 1 mil per villager or offer!
Still looking for Fang, Skye, Freya and Kyle. Please let me know if you have on of these, I can offer bells! :)
Kid cat, kabuki, lucky, whitney or tiffany or blanche

willing to pay bells
i also have sets (7/11, princess, cardboard, sloppy, weeding day, gracie and sweets)

tysm if you can help ;u;
Looking for BEAU and ZUCKER
I have LOTS to offer!! RARES, UNORDERABLES, TIME LOCKED, and DLC!! PM me for full list!
Still looking for Erik. Can offer Skye or items/bells/tbt/whatever. c:
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