(Closed) The Official Looking for/Trading/Buying Thread

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Looking For Lolly !
I'll pay : 10 million Bells , 12 Hybrid Roses ( Gold , Blue , Pink ) . I can also offer Freya when she's in boxes !
PM me , if interested .
Hello there ! My SD card broke yesterday, and my acnl saves aren't working anymore (digital game), I had to create a new town, and to forget my ancient one T__T

So there it is: I would like to know if there's some nice players here who would help me to get back some of my dreamies.... T.T I don't have much bells since I had to do a new town, and I don't have a lot of TBT Bells but.. if it's necessary I'll give every bells I have T__T

here's the list (by "most wanted") :

3-Fauna (or 4-Diana )

Tadam ! I hope some of you will be nice <3
Feel free to PM me !!
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Permanent Dream Town! <3

Please help me achieve my permanent dream town! <3 I currently have one open spot and am looking for the following dreamies: Winnie, Cookie, Diana, Fauna, Beau & Maple. <3 Thank you so much! ^_^
I'm still looking for Walt! I want to add that I'm currently trying to TT out someone specific, so if someone has him that can hold him for some time that would be best. Once again I can offer bells, hybrids, and some other things, thank you!
Looking for Gaston, he's my last dreamie! Will pay bells c: Please pm if interested!
Looking for Beau! Name your price...
Message me your time zone so we can set a specific time to meet.
We will swap friend codes prior to the trade...
PM me if interested! :D
Wanted ASAP! :)
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I'm still looking for the rest of my dreamies: Punchy, Tangy, Pecan, and Stitches. I can offer bells, or perfect fruit. As well as trades.

Friga (moving), Flip, Gaston, Iggly and Bill. I can TT them out if needed

So send me a message sometime if interested *smiles sweetly*
Looking for Rosie, I can offer 600 TBT bells or some in game bells. Please message me if you have her!
Looking for Pheobe! I lost on accident and finally cycled to get her back. Willing to go up to 10m for her! Please let me know guys!!
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