⛧Roxie of Avalar⛧
Come sell your turnips in Avalar!
Feel free to check out the DIYs on the beach to the left of my airport, they're free.
Nooks Cranny is directly north of my airport, thread will be open for the next three hours or so.
If I "like" your post, then you're good to go!
Tips in tbt/ wish-list items are very appreciated but not necessary.
(My Wishlists)
Looking to catalog the following:
Looking to Keep the Following:
Feel free to check out the DIYs on the beach to the left of my airport, they're free.
Nooks Cranny is directly north of my airport, thread will be open for the next three hours or so.
If I "like" your post, then you're good to go!
Tips in tbt/ wish-list items are very appreciated but not necessary.
(My Wishlists)
Looking to catalog the following:
Accessories I need by firesquids | Animal Crossing Item and Villager Database - VillagerDB
View Accessories I need, a list by firesquids containing 20 items
Clothing I need by firesquids | Animal Crossing Item and Villager Database - VillagerDB
View Clothing I need, a list by firesquids containing 65 items
Socks and Shoes I need by firesquids | Animal Crossing Item and Villager Database - VillagerDB
View Socks and Shoes I need, a list by firesquids containing 2 items
Looking to Keep the Following:
Unorderables I need by firesquids | Animal Crossing Item and Villager Database - VillagerDB
View Unorderables I need, a list by firesquids containing 25 items
Diys I need by firesquids | Animal Crossing Item and Villager Database - VillagerDB
View Diys I need, a list by firesquids containing 20 items
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