(Closed) Turnips selling for 603 bells

i'd love to visit! i unfortunately don't have birthday kk but if that's ok with you i'd love to come ;w;
I would love to join! I'll send over a bunny day recipie and 3 nook miles tickets if you're still open ;)
Woops the game crashed. Im going to reopen with a new code.

Also to everyone offering gifts. Im not greedy but keep your word. If you have nothing thats fine but like dont leave me hanging. Everyone will get a turn if I have my way.
Woops the game crashed. Im going to reopen with a new code.

Also to everyone offering gifts. Im not greedy but keep your word. If you have nothing thats fine but like dont leave me hanging. Everyone will get a turn if I have my way.
How long will you be available for/when does your shop close? I'll stop by when things die down. If they do haha.